

Why 16 year olds should drive?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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They shouldn't because there not mature enough or aware enough

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Q: Why 16 year olds should drive?
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What are some good reasons why 16 year olds should be able to drive under the influence?

because there already young adults and you should trust your son/daughter that they will drive aprpreta and safe

Should 16 years old be allowed to drive why or why not?

This question is very much an opinion, but I feel as though 16 years is much too young to be on the road with a mixed population of both the young and old. Most 16 year olds are far too immature to handle the consequences of their actions which may happen on the road.

Legal rights for 16 year olds in Australia?

In Australia, 16-year-olds have some legal rights but are still considered minors. They can consent to medical treatment without parental permission, work part-time, and make decisions about their education. However, they can't vote, sign certain contracts, or be tried as adults in criminal cases.

Can 16 year olds drive alone in a car?

The real answer is no u cant drive alone in a car if u r 16 and alone 18 years and liecens

How many 16 year olds drive?

Most but not good, and only if they have been participating in drivers education.

Why can't 18 year olds drive?

they can who told you that there is 16 year olds driving around

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7 year olds should do 10-16 reps of any exercise

Why drivers license are at the age of 16 Canada Ontario?

Because they thought 16 year olds would be responsible enough to drive cars....

Can 16 year olds smoke?

In the United States it is illegal for 16 year olds to smoke

What gcse grade should a 14 year old achieve?

not specific, everyone should get an A* but that doesn't mean that they will, ten year olds have passed with flying colours while 16 year olds get Fs

What is the recommended maximum weight you should lift unassisted?

It depends on how strong you are. It is best to keep it at about 20kg for 10 year olds, 60kg for 16+ year olds.

Can a 16 year old get a tattoo in new york with parents premission?

I not sure but they should let 16 year olds get a tattoo no problem