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Because when it disassociates it produces a H+ ion, it's not necessarily that all bases have OH, but when it disassociates it produces OH-

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Q: Why CH3COOH is known as acetic acid even though it contains OH group?
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Vineger contains acetic acid CH3COOH Is acetic acid organic or inorganic How do you know?

Acetics acid is organic. It has a COOH group.

Empirical formula of acetic acid?

C2H4O2 normally written as CH3COOH to show the presence of the carboxyic acid group

Is CH3COOH polar or non-polar?

Polar because it contains a polar molecule between carbon and oxygen!

What is the structure of vinegar?

Vinegar is primarily made up of acetic acid. Acetic acid (or ethanoic acid) is a two-carbon carboxylic acid. It's formula is CH3COOH. It has a methyl group attached to a carbonyl carbon that is also attached to a hydroxyl group.

What this chemical symbol CHOO referred to?

When you see a COOH group in a formula it usually mean that you have an organic acid. for instance HCOOH is Formic Acid and CH3COOH is Acetic Acid.

What elements are found in acetic acid?

Acetic acid is composed of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen and the chemical formula is CH3COOH. The systematic name is ethanoic acid. The structure is ethane with an OH group and a double bonded O atom both bonded to carbon 1.

What is common between acetic acid and benzoic acid?

both contains the carboxylic functional group(-COOH)

What type of compound is CH3COOH?

This is a conjugate base to the weak acid called Acetic acid, CH3COOH.CH3COO- is called: Acetate ion.This is the conjugate base of the weak acid Acetic Acid, CH3COOH.It is commonly called an Acetate anion or just Acetate.Ethanoate is the official IUPAC name.

What is R-CH3?

R-CH3 is an organic composite obtained starting from methane (CH4) and substituting one of the hydrogen atoms with an organic radical, generally indicated with R. Frequently the functional group -CH3 is also called methil group. Important examples are acetic acid, where R is the acid group COOH, so that the acetic acid has molecular formula CH3COOH and the methanamine, where the functional group is the amine group (NH2) so that the molecular formula results to be CH3NH2.

What is the condensation reaction between acetic acid and ethanol?

Acetic acid reacts with ethanol to give ethyl acetate. If this reaction is carried out in presence of a mineral acid, usually sulphuric acid, as catalyst, then it is known as Fischer esterification.

What is the chemical reaction with 2-butanol and acetic acid?

2-butanol (sec-butanol) and acetic acid (ethanoic acid) will undergo condensation reaction. The hydroxy group on the butanol reacts with the carboxyl group on the acetic acid to form an ester, releasing water. The product is sec-butyl-ethanoate.

How do i calculate valency number of acetic acid?

CH3COOH, Acetic Acid, is made of two carbons, one hydroxide (OH), and one double bonded Oxygen. Reorganizing by atom type: C 2 O 2 H 4 So there are a total of 8 atoms in Acetic Acid. Sidenote: The COOH at the end means that that is a Carboxylic Acid group.