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Because, if you were not a catholic, and so werent your fiance, you would need i think at least one of you to be Catholic or you couldn't get married in a Catholic church. Why would you if you werent catholic, you know what i mean?

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Q: Why Catholic wedding is required for a spouse to be baptized as a Catholic?
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Can someone who hasn't been christened but husband is Catholic and had a civil wedding have a Catholic funeral?

Not per se, but in one instance, I do know of a priest who has performed a funeral for a non-baptized spouse of a Catholic. You would have to speak to your pastor about this.

If you were married one time before can you have a Roman Catholic wedding?

A Roman Catholic can have a Roman Catholic wedding if he or she received an annullment for their marriage or their spouse died.

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Yes, as long as the spouse has been baptized the religion of the spouse doesn't matter.

Can a Lutheran wedding be blessed by the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church can and does perform marriages for a Catholic and a non-Catholic (mixed marriages). Generally, Lutheran weddings are left to be performed by Lutheran pastors, though..Catholic AnswerI think what you are asking is can a wedding that took place in a Lutheran Church be blessed by a priest in the Catholic Church. I teach in the RCIA and we have many people coming into the Church whose marriages are in questionable circumstances - as far as the Church is concerned. Marriage is a sacrament, and can only be validly celebrated by two baptized individuals of the opposite sex who are both eligible to marry. A Lutheran wedding between two baptized protestants would be a valid marriage. When someone is converting to the Catholic Church and already married, in whatever circumstances, in most cases, they must be married again before a priest to validly enact the sacrament. Lay folk often refer to this a having the "marriage blessed by a priest" (or the Catholic Church).

Can you have a Roman Catholic wedding if you were married before?

Yes, if the other spouse has passed away or the couple has received an annulment of the original marriage.

How do you enter the Church for a Catholic wedding?

Confirmation is not required for marriage in the Catholic Church; it is strongly suggested and perhaps can be made before or after marriage either in an adult confirmation program or as part of RCIA.

Can a divorced non-Catholic not married in a Catholic Church remarry in a Catholic church without an annulment?

Yes, a Catholic can marry a Pentecostal. Marriages in the Catholic tradition can take place either within a Mass or not. Generally, if a Catholic marries a non-Catholic they do not celebrate sacrament of matrimony during Mass but rather have a service. This service is just as Sacramental for the Catholic spouse as a marriage within a Mass would be for two Catholics getting married. There are some conditions however: For a Catholic to marry a Pentecostal and have their marriage recognized by the Church and thus be sacramental for the Catholic spouse, the couple would have to go through the regular marriage prep as required by their parish and the Pentecostal spouse would have to make certain commitments, such as acknowledging that the Catholic spouse has a commitment to raise the offspring in the Catholic faith.

Can you marry a Catholic girl even if you have been divorced and you are not Catholic and not married in a Church?

Not 100% sure on this, but the answer is No, since the Catholic Church recognizes the non-Catholic marriage as valid. That previous marriage would have to go through an annulment process.Roman Catholic AnswerThe above answer is correct. The question is whether your first marriage is valid. If it is valid, then you may not marry again as long as your spouse is alive. An annulment is a decree that no valid marriage ever existed. If you and your spouse are both baptized, then, in all probability your first marriage would be valid, even if it wasn't in Church as a valid marriage is contracted by two Christians who are not Catholic. If one of you has been baptized, then there would probably not be a valid marriage. In any case you still need to have it examined. I believe, however, that if you have not be baptised at all, and wish to convert and be baptized, then there is the Pauline privilege which would allow you to be married in the Church.

What religion should a child be with a Catholic and protestant parents?

Give the child time and let Him/Her make the decision.----------------------------------------------------------------Practicing Catholics usually insist the children of mixed faith marriages are raised Catholic.Opinion from a CatholicNot raising a child in any religion and expecting them to make a decision when they are older, to my knowledge, never works. A Catholic entering into a mixed marriage (the other spouse is not Catholic but is baptized) must promise to raise the children Catholic, and the spouse must be aware of this promise.

Can the non-Catholic spouse in a mixed marriage be buried next to their spouse in the Archdiocese of Denver?

Generally, non-Catholics may be buried in a Catholic cemetery if their spouse is Catholic and they will be buried in the same cemetery.

Can a Catholic woman marry a non Catholic man who is not baptized in any faith?

Yes, a Catholic woman can marry a non-Catholic. The requirements for the marriage to be valid in the eyes of the Catholic Church are... 1.The Spouse that is currently Catholic must remain Catholic. 2.Any offspring that results from the union must be brought up in a Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church: 1633-36 It is recommended that the Husband consider joining the Catholic Church, but it is by all means, not required. It will, however, lessen the amount of stress and "bring the confusion of Christian disunity into the home." Remember, the Catholic Church does not forbid mixed marriages, but for the marriage to be considered valid, you must follow the guidelines. God be with you! GW

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Often the wedding planner is not invited to the rehearsal dinner, but if the couple want to invite the wedding planner they should also invite his or her's spouse.