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Q: Why Did Maggots Not Appear In The Covered Jars?
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In redis experiment what were the manipulated variable and the responding variable?

the manipulated variable was the covered jars . The responding variable was the uncovered jars contained any maggots

What experiment in 1668 disproved spontaneous generation showing that organisms arise only from other organisms?

Francesco Redi's experiment. He was an Italian physician. He was the first scientist to challenge the theory of spontaneous generation by demonstrating that maggots come from eggs of flies.At the time, prevailing wisdom was that maggots arose spontaneously from rotting meat. He took three jars: in the first jar, he put an unknown object; in the second, a dead fish; in the last, a raw chunk of meat.Redi covered the tops of the first two jars with fine gauze that only air could get into it. He left the last one open. After several days, he saw maggots appear on the objects in the open jars, on which flies had been able to land, but not in the gauze-covered jars.

What did Francesco Redi do dealing with evolution?

Redi did an experiment seeing what maggots come from by putting meat into jars and left 1 open 1 covered with netting and one sealed the only one that didn't get maggots was the one that was sealed proving that maggots come from flies.

Who hypothesized that flies produce maggots?

In order to disrpove the theory of spontaneous generation (that maggots randomly appeared on the meat), Francesco Redi tested whether flies laid maggot eggs on the meat by covering some jars of meat and opening others. Only the jars that were open produced maggots, therefore supporting that some organism from the outside of the jar, such as flies, was spawning the maggots.

How do maggots form?

Maggots are fly larvae and hatch from fly eggs. Maggots do not spontaneously appear as many people believe they do.

Francesco Redi conducted an experiment to test the hypothesis that maggots arose spontaneous generation. what prediction did he make in designing his experiment?

The prediction that he made in designing his experiment was called the scientific method.

What was Franceso Redi's Hypothesis about The Appearance of Maggots?

if maggots do not appear In the closed jar, then spontaneous generations not possible.

Why do maggots suddenly appear in swimming pools?

Probably not maggots but mosquito larva. Need to keep your chlorine in check.

Why was the gauze important in redi's experiment?

Redi used a jar, meat and gauze. The gauze kept the flies off the meat. Redi's hypothesis was that if you kept flies away from the meat, maggots would not appear, because the flies did not lay eggs on the meat.

Will you have maggots from dead mice?

no. but they appear when flies lay their eggs on foods. maggots turn into flys when they mature

How did Redi test the hypothesis of spontaneous generation?

By using an experiment with two jars filled with meat. One was sealed with a lid, while the other was not. After several days, Redi concluded spontaneous generation was false after he realized that with the jar uncovered, maggots formed, and with the jar covered, nothing.

If you die in a completely sanitary room would you get maggots?

If there was absolutely no way for a maggot to get into the room, and no maggots or maggot eggs anywhere in the room or on your person, then there is no way for your body to become infested with maggots. Maggots are a living creature and they can't appear out of thin air, they have to come from somewhere.