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Q: Why Ghana has a higher percentage of arable land than Mali?
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Related questions

What continent is Ghana and mali?

Ghana and Mali are on the continent of Africa.

How was the influence of Islam different in Ghana than it was in Mali?

Muslims in Ghana are minority while in Mali they are majority. In Ghana percentage of Muslims is only 15.9 % (~3.8 million Muslims) while in Mali the percentage is 92.5% (~12 million Muslims). These statistics are according to Pew Forum study as of October 2009. Chrissy: The people of Ghana were forced to convert to Islam by the muslims empire in Ghana. The Muslims came to Ghana from North America and built mosques. In time, Ghana's ruler employed them as advisers. As Ghana grew weaker, Mali replaced Ghana and taken over most of their territory. Mali's first great ruler, Sundiata, came into power by crushing a cruel, unpopular leader. In Mali, their ruler did NOT force his people to convert/or accept Islam. In fact, most of the people of Mali retained their traditional African beliefs.

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Why did Ghana and Mali come to the New World?

What part of Africa were Ghana and Mali located?

Ghana and Mali were located in west Africa.

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Ghana, Mali, Songhai

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Who defeated the Ghana empire?

Ghana defeated Mali

How did mali Ghana and songhai become powerful?

Mali, Songhai, and Ghana gained their wealth from trading and controlling.

When Ghana fell what kingdom did it become part of?

Ghana fell and became part of the kingdom of Mali

What did the spread of Islam in Ghana and mali result from?

Islam spread in Mali and Ghana by the Arab Muslim traders.

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What country is south of Ghana and north of Mali?

You mean which country is north of Ghana and south of Mali ... Burkino Faso.