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Q: Why Karl marx believed capitalist society was irrational?
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Who believed that a revolution against the capitalist system was inevitable and necessary to establish a classless society?

Karl Marx

Who believed that the workers would overthrow the wealthy business owners?

Karl Marx, a philosopher and economist, believed that the working class (proletariat) would eventually revolt against the wealthy capitalist class (bourgeoisie) in a socialist revolution, leading to the establishment of a classless society.

Did Karl Marx say capital is produced by the capitalist?

Yes, Karl Marx argued that in a capitalist system, capital is produced by the exploitation of labor by the capitalist class. He believed that profits are derived from the surplus value created by workers that is not returned to them in the form of wages.

In a capitalist societyhere the bourgeoisie controls the work people lose their sense of who they are and what gives their life meaning Karl Marx referred to this as?

alienation. Karl Marx believed that in a capitalist society, workers become alienated from themselves, their work, and their sense of purpose due to being treated as a commodity by the bourgeoisie. This leads to a sense of disconnection and lack of fulfillment in their lives.

How did Karl Marx define democracy?

Karl Marx viewed democracy as a tool used by the ruling capitalist class to maintain their power and serve their interests. He believed that true democracy can only be achieved through the liberation of the working class from capitalist exploitation, leading to a more equitable and just society. Marx saw democracy as a way to ensure that the working class had a voice and power in shaping society.

Who did Karl Karl marx believe was the lead oppressor?

Not a clear question. Marx believed that the capitalist system was the main cause of poverty and suffering.

What did Karl max believe?

Karl Marx believed in the idea of communism, where the working class would rise up against the capitalist system to create a classless society where resources are shared equally among all individuals. Marx also emphasized the importance of understanding the economic relations and class struggles in society.

What social theorist claimed that the dominant culture in a capitalist society serves the interests of the ruling class?

Karl Marx

What problem did Karl marx blame society for?

Karl Marx blamed society for the exploitation of the working class by the capitalist class. He believed that the capitalist system created social inequality, alienation, and class struggle, leading to the oppression and suffering of the proletariat. Marx argued that this exploitation was inherent to the capitalist mode of production and required a revolution to establish a more just and equitable society.

For Karl Marx the point of studying society was?

For Karl Marx, the point of studying society was to uncover the underlying power dynamics and inequalities that exist in capitalist systems. He aimed to reveal how the capitalist mode of production led to exploitation of the working class and perpetuated class struggles. Marx believed that understanding these structures was crucial in order to bring about revolutionary change and create a more equitable society.

Karl marx believed that a proletarian revolution was more likely to occur as a society became more?

Karl Marx believed that a proletarian revolution was more likely to occur as a society became more industrialized and capitalist. He thought that as capitalism progressed, it would create increasing inequality and exploit the working class, leading to the potential for a revolution by the proletariat to overthrow the capitalist system and establish socialism.

Was John Locke a capitalist or a socialist?

He was a capitalist. Karl Marx was the socialist