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Q: Why The Boston Massacre occurred. The Townshend Acts were passed. The French and Indian War ended.?
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Which came first the French and Indian War or the Boston tea party?

The Townshend Act - The Boston tea party was December 6th, 1773 while the Townshend Act resulted in the Boston Massacre in 1770. On the same day as the massacre in Boston, Parliament began to consider a motion to repeal the Townshend Acts. Most of the new taxes were repealed, but the tax on tea remained.

What developments led to the French and Indian War?

the quartering act, townshend act, stamp act, sugar act, Boston massacre, Boston tea party,etc.

What is a list of the following events in the correct chronological order.?

The correct answer is: the French and Indian War ended, the Townshed Acts were passed, and the Boston Massacre.

4 events that led to the revolutionary war?

1754- French and Indian War1768- British Troops Land in Boston1764- British Impose New Taxes 1770- Boston Massacre1765 Quartering Act1770 Townshend Act Repealed1765- Stamp Tax Passed1772- Cutter Gaspee Burned1765- Sons of Liberty Formed1773- Boston Tea Party1765 Stamp Act Congress 1774 Coercive Acts Imposed1766- Stamp Tax Repealed 1774- First Continental Congress Meets1767- Townshend Acts Imposed1767- Colonist Respond With Boycott

What did the British do that angered the colonists to the point of wanting a revolution?

The British antagonized them with many things. The biggest were taxes levied to help pay for the French and Indian War, and the Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre occurred in Boston when drunken British officers were accused, put on trial, and found not guilty of killing colonist. Samuel Adams made this act sound bigger than it really was by calling it a Massacre and passing out handbills showing the event. The thing is that you have to remember is that EVERYONE was British, yet they felt disrespected by the King.

What historical events happened between 1723 and 1787?

the stamp act, the sugar act, the Boston tea party, Signing of the Declairation of Independence Boston massacre, french-Indian war

What important events happened during 1689-1702?

A great deal happened, but you are asking about a hundred years of history. Please narrow it down .

What was one of the keys to the American gaining their independence was?

Umm.. the french/ spanish help... all the battles and turning points... the political cartoons and the engraving of the boston massacre...

Did the Boston massacre become before the Boston Tea Party?

The British taxes on goods created hard feelings between the British and colonists. British soldiers panicked during a protest and caused the Boston Massacre. The British repealed all taxes except the one on tea in an effort to prove to the colonists that they had the power to tax the colonies. The colonists protested and caused the Boston Tea Party.

How meany people wear killed during the Boston massacre and why?

Five people were killed and one was a freed black and they got killed because they started at taking the French and the French panicked and they started shooting in to the croud

What is the Le Massacre de Groupe Francis Mobile 100?

The Massacre of the 100th French Mobile Group.

What year did the US declare war against Britain?

For the American Revolution, around sometime in 1770, because of the Boston Massacre. The colonists were tired of being taxed by the British after the French andIndian War. For the war of 1812, it was in 1812.