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In a sex cell, the mutagen is passed along to the next offspring, and therfore caried over for a longer amount of time, and still showing up in generations to come. In a body cell, somatic cell mutations are not passed to the next generation.

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Q: Why a mutagen can have longer-lasting effects in a sex cell than in a body cell?
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Why a mutagen can have longer lasting effects in a sex cell than in a body cell?

In a sex cell, the mutagen is passed along to the next offspring, and therfore caried over for a longer amount of time, and still showing up in generations to come. In a body cell, somatic cell mutations are not passed to the next generation

How might a mutagen cause cancer?

A mutagen could change a gene that tells a cell when to stop growing.

Can antibiotics act as a mutagen?

Not really , if taken in excess it can upset the environment of cell (side effects) which may effect meiosis division . But its best to see your doctor or two if your concerned about medication

Cancer is caused when cells grow abnormally and divide in an uncontrolled manner How might a mutagen cause cancer?

A mutagen could change a gene that tells a cell when to stop growing.

What happens when the cell cannot repair the damage caused by mutagen?

The DNA base sequence changes permanently

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The damaging effects of radiation on the body are a result of?

Radiation has two primary bad effects: mutation and cellular damage. Radiation has been shown to be a strong mutagen; that is, to cause a much higher level of random changes during cell mitosis (replication/reproduction). As the odds that a mutation are harmful are much higher than it being beneficial, radiation will generally cause a large number of bad mutations to occur. This usually results in some form of cancer. Direct cellular damage is also possible from radiation. This is due to radiation being able to break DNA and RNA strands, not just cause mutations in them. Thus, radiation can directly lead to premature (or, even immediate) cell death.

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The cell body houses the nucleus.Cell body

Is a dipolid cell a body cell?

Every cell in the human body (excluding gametes) is a diploid cell.

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