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Often eggs are added to bind the ingredients.

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Q: Why add eggs to the recipe?
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Related questions

Can you leave out eggs in a recipe?

No. Eggs can act as a binder or add leavening to cakes.

Does it make a difference in a sweet bread recipe if you have only three eggs the recipe calls for four eggs?

Yes, it makes a difference. You can add a tablespoon of oil and 2 tablespoons of water to help make up the difference.

What do you do when you do not have enough eggs for a recipe?

I'd go to another recipe myself but if you just have to continue without enough eggs, add 1 oz. cream/milk and 1 oz. canola oil or melted butter.

What is the best recipe for eggs?

scrambled eggs

What is a common recipe for eggs?

The easiest recipe would be scrambled eggs , but if you want it better , try omelet for the recipe . It would be YUMMY! Enjoy!

How many medium eggs is the same as 9 small eggs?

I have found that they are about the same unless your recipe calls for exact measurements. I would add one more small egg but just the white.

Can dry eggs replace eggs in cheesecake recipe?


How many eggs does the cheesecake have?

Depends on the recipe, most recipes call for three to four eggs. I use three in my recipe.

What is a common recipe with eggs?


Mealie cake recipe?

looking for a cake recipe using mealies but no eggs

Does not adding eggs to a standard chocolate cookie recipe affect it?

No because you are suppose to add raw egg to a cookie batter so the cookies bake properly.

Can you give the recipe for Nepali red millet pancake?

get flour and eggs and make the mixture than add red chilli sauce and start fliping your pancakes