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Q: Why after you passed a kidney do you have to see a urologist?
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Do I still need to see a Urologist if I have passed 3 kidney stones in a week?

Definitely. Not just to check if there are more left (There probably are more if you've already passed three) but also to check if the three you passed have caused any damage, such as tissue rupturing.

Do urologist need to travel?

The urologist is a doctor, who deals with patients with urinary problems and , kidney stones .

Could you have a kidney stone from your right kidney?

Yes, right kidney or left or both or in the bladder or in the ureters. Sorry for your pain, see a Urologist soon to make sure it is a stone in the kidney. stonemkr has a new email

What type of doctor removes kidney stones?

well the kidney doctor ofcourseUrologists.

Why do you get regular kidney infections?

You could have kidney stones, or you could just be prone to them. Drinking or eating too much sugar. The best way to find out of course is to see a urologist.

What is a urinary tract doctor called?

Nephrologist deals with medical problems of kidneys. Urologist deals with surgical problems.

Who do you go to for kidney problems?

Kidney problems are the most severe kind of health problem. If you are suffering from kidney problems then you should consult a good Urologist in Ludhiana from Khosla Stone Kidney & Surgical Centre. Where you will get the right treatment because it is that kind of treatment that demands the utmost attention. Urologists are always there to guide you on what’s best for your urological health. The two major kinds of kidney diseases are : Acute Kidney Disease Long-term Kidney Disease

What is the name of the specialist in diseases and disorders of the kidney?

He is called as 'Nephrologist'.

What happens if you cant pass a kidney stone?

I would recommend talking to a urologist. Urologists can destroy kidney stones using radiation.

What to eat when kidney is failing?

There's no food that can help you, you need a urologist and treatment and meds.

Why would you need to see a urologist?

Urologists specialise in the urinary tract. This includes the ureters, bladder and urethra. They also deal with problems of the kidney, though kidney specialists are called nephrologists. So, kidney stones or infections, bladder cancer, prostatic hyptertrophy... There are many reasons. A woman may need to visit a urologist if their general practitioner or internist refers them for more specialized attention due to issues with their URINARY TRACT. Possibly a recurrent bladder infection, or kidney infection, or cysts, etc. Men may seek examination from a urologist because of similar reasons, to include prostate problems.

Treatment for double collecting system in kidney?

There is no treatment unless you have a problem. Visit a urologist for more info.