

Why animals grow teeth all life?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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because they need them to grind up their food before swallowing !

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Q: Why animals grow teeth all life?
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Related questions

How do animals teeth grow?

The teeth in animals grow by eruption - the tooth is fully formed in the jaw and over the animal's life it is slowly forced out of the jaw where it is visible above the gum line. This is why very old animals may be missing some or all of their teeth - the entire tooth has been used and has fallen out of the socket.

Why are the rats teeth to long?

All rodents have teeth that grow all through their life. They need to be provided with things to chew on to keep their teeth ground down.

Do peoples teeth grow longer as they get taller?

Yes, when children lose their first/'Milk' teeth they grow new teeth. Sometimes they all grow at once and get crammed up in their Mouth's they'll need braces, eventually - when they've lost around about all of their 'Milk' teeth they'll grow rather large molars at the back.

What does proteins do in animals?

it helps their body grow and strengthens bones and teeth

Do harp seal have teeth?

Harp seals have teeth that will grow if they eat pup. They are very sharp teeth which are also powerful and are used as a form of protection.

Animals with no teeth at all called?

Teethless animals.

How many teeth do grown ups have?

When grown adults grow all of their teeth they'll have 32 teeth if u loose any of ur adult teeth it WILL NOT GROW BACK!!!!!!!!!!

How many teeth that an adult have?

They have about 9 baby teeth and 11 grown-up teeth.

Which animal does not have teeth?

Well there are no animals without teeth unless you were to pull them, an animal were to lose them, and natural causes so all animals have teeth

Is it possible to grow a new teeth?

No, you are born with all your teeth in there, they just shove down after awhile. The roots do grow, but, of course they do.

Which animals lose there teeth?

Mostly all of them

What bones do all animals have in common?

Teeth because all animals need to chew their food.