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Black Muslims and Nation of Islam are cultural associations that use the name of Islam to promote their own ideologies. They're far from the true Islam ideology and most of the time they say that Black people or superior to other, and have new prophets.

In True Islam, Muhammad is the last Prophet and all races are equals.

One of the last sayings of Muhammad was :

"An Arab is not superior to an Non-Arab, and an Non-Arab is not superior to an Arab. Just like a Black is not superior to a White, and a White is not superior to a Black"

In addition to the above:Orthodox Muslims or main stream Muslims do not differentiate between Muslims per their colors or cultures or genders. They differentiate between them only according to their piety. Main stream Islam is against racism and discrimination based on colors, cultures, genders, or hierarchy.

However, what is called Nation of Islam is not belonging to the mainstream Islam. They give superiority to black Muslims, they have their own prophet, they have their own holy book, and have many other differences. Refer to related questions below for more details.

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Black Sunni Muslims are recognized as Muslims by all other Muslims (and there are practically no Black Shiite Muslims). However, organizations like the Nation of Islam are heretical by the standards of Orthodox Islam and lack the kind of rules and laws necessary to be proper Muslims. In fact, religions like the Nation of Islam are much closer in similarity to other Black Nationalist Faiths like Black Israelite Christianity than they are to Orthodox Islam.

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