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In the Army the k-9 is ranked Higher because if the handler abuses the Dog he can get in trouble for assault and also get in trouble for disrespect to a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO), and other charges.

The Rank is used as a visual reminder that if you become frustrated withe the k-9 not to abuse the dog.

Some ignorant non military civilians claim that it is a joke and what not and list other reasons. Maybe in the past it was, but as of today and for the past 6 years I have been in the Army as a Cavalry Scout, that has always been the reason.

Some people will talk about Sgt. Stubby; the highest decorated war dog in the US. If you want a history on him, look him up. People say that he was not ever promoted or his name was changed from Stubby to Sgt. Stubby, which is inaccurate. He was promoted after getting wounded by a German grenade and getting gassed. Since WWI dogs have been getting official ranks.

Its a sign of respect and also shows the dedication of the idividual, especially if its an k-9.

Unless the person you are listening to is Military or Has first hand experience besides looking threw the internet and reading some books, they dont know.

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