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Muslims are under threat in all over the world for the following main reasons:

  • To keep control of their resources and exploit it for their own benefit at least cost and price.
  • To limit spread of Islam
  • To limit the power of Islamic countries and to avoid another rise of Islam over the world.
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8y ago

First, we should be clear, most Muslims are not violent and are not "causing trouble". However, the majority of terrorism in the world and increased criminality in Europe is coming from Muslims, so it is worthwhile to ask what the motivations for this are.

The primary reason we are seeing an uptick in violence perpetrated by Muslims is the increasing prevalence of Islamism in Muslim communities. Islamism is distinct from Islam. Islam is the religion to which Muslims adhere, but Islamism is a political ideology whose goal is to bring the religious tenets of Islam into the daily functioning of a government and its laws. Islamism is a modern movement whose roots began contemporaneously with the rise of Salafism in the late 1800s and early 1900s in Egypt, but has gained prominence since the 1970s when Secular Nationalism was widely seen as a failure in the Islamic World for (1) not improving the economic situation of most Muslims, (2) not defeating Israel, and (3) for jailing religious leaders and scholars. Only Islamism made a sustained opposition to the Secular Nationalists from the outside, while the Socialists and Liberals tried to oppose the Secular Nationalists from within.

Because Islamism has become prominent, many of the worldviews espoused by strict Islamic Law have become mainstream, such as the desire for blasphemy laws, death for apostates, and the supremacy of Muslims. Also the particular Anti-Western views of the early Islamists like Qutb, al-Maududi, and al-Banna have become a fixture of Islamist thought. The failure of governments to "accommodate" these very regressive positions, is increasingly resulting in violence. To the degree that Muslims can find religious or personal justifications to oppose Islamism is the degree to which Muslims are valiant contributing members of society.

To learn more about the specifics of Islamism, please see these Related Questions: Are all movements of political Islam identical? or What are some differences between radical Islam and Neo-Conservatism?

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8y ago

The Muslims aren't causing any more trouble than others. It's just that our issues are more focused upon in the media.

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