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It is short for Empound, where animals are empounded.

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Q: Why are animal shelters sometimes referred to as the pound?
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What is the shelters of these animals?

Well an animal with no home goes to the RSPCA or could go to a pound until one day someone adopts

What are all types of animal shelters?

there are 2 that i know of a no kill shelter and the pound that if they are there 2 long with out getting adopted they put them down (kill)

Where is a good place to rescue puppies?

The best place to look in order to find a puppy or other animal looking to be rescued is at your local animal shelter or pound. You can find a list of local shelters online at Petfinder.

Where can one buy kittens for Munchkin?

One can buy Munchkin kittens from the Adopt a Pet website. They can also be found from one's local cat and animal charity shelters or on sites such as Gumtree.

How much time does an animal have until it has to be euthanized in a pound?

You would have to call the actual animal shelter since they all have varying policies. Some euthanize in a week or less, others two. There are also "no kill" shelters in many areas.

Is there a way to find out if a certain dog was adopted from the dog pound?

Your best bet would be to contact the animal shelter, and see if they have records on the dog. Some animal shelters Microchip their animals, which would be another way of identifying the dog, and the shelter it came from.

Formal name for british pound?

The British Pound is also referred to as the GBP, Great British Pound and the British Pound Sterling.

What is Englands money?

Pounds= dollar Quid= dime Sorry, but that's all I know! It's sterling, sometimes referred to pounds or quid

What is the best pound for pound hunting animal?


What is the french translation for animal pound?

the animal pound is called in French "la fourrière". That term is used mostly for the dog pound, or for stray animals.

How many dogs come out of the pound sick?

most dogs that go into shelters get humanely euthenized, as they think of it as the best way to put it out of their suffering. the only ones that come out sick are the ones that get fostered by people who have the time & money to take care of the animal.

Pound for pound most furious land animal?

I think a rhino not!