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Let's compare a human's sensitivity to sound and smell to a dog's:

Humans: hears sounds as high as 20,000 Hz.

Dogs: hears sounds as high as 40,000 Hz

Humans: olfactory up to 10 sq. cm.

Dogs: olfactory up to 150 sq. cm.

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They have different structural build-up of their nervous systems. They're able to do different stuff because they weren't created the same way. God made everything unique. Isn't that cool?

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Q: Why are animals able to hear sounds and smell materials that human cannot?
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What are sounds that cannot be heard by human beings?

They are called infrasonic sounds.

What Sounds that cannot be heard by human beings?

They are called infrasonic sounds.

Why are animals such as dogs able to hear sounds human cannot?

Dogs and most animals rely on their hearing more than we do. As humans, we rely on eyesight and primates overall have better eyes than other animals.

Why do humans use sounds they cannot hear?

Humans may use sounds they cannot hear for various reasons such as communication with animals or in technological applications like ultrasound testing. These sounds are either outside the range of human hearing or used for specific purposes where their direct perception is not necessary.

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animals make the sounds they do is just like human languages.... for example a whistle may mean they are calling for their family. The animals make the sounds they do because they all need to communicate with each other.

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No, finches cannot be taught to mimic human sounds.

Why are animals able to hear or smell materials that human cannot?

Some animals can hear and small things that people cannot because they have more nerves in their nose and ears, a better structure in more or ear for gathering the sound or smells, and devote more of their brain to the sense of smell or hearing than to people.

How does littering affect animals and human beings?

A large number of animals have chances to eat plastic and other not-to-be-eaten materials.

What are two animals that can hear lower frequency sounds than a human?

Both whales and elephants can hear extremely low frequency sounds.

What is something human cnt hear?

Some sounds that are at certain frequencies cannot be heard by a human ear. Some such sounds are a dog whistle, certain whale songs and dolphin and bat echolocation.