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Q: Why are antimicrobial processes inhibited in the presence of extraneous organic matter?
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What is a sentence for inhibited?

Inhibiting an enzyme responsible for constructing the cell wall.

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food digestion

What is the Existential and relational processes in Language analysis?

Existential processes in language analysis involve expressing existence or presence. Relational processes involve describing relationships between entities or linking them to one another. Both processes are important in interpreting and understanding the meaning conveyed in a sentence or text.

Can the presence of inhibitors or activitors affect enzyme activity?

yes, enzymes can be inhibited by other enzymes.

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How can ammonia be made?

Ammonia occurs naturally via certain biological processes, but industrially it is made by heating nitrogen and hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.

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In male diabetics at the age of 50 years or more greying of the eyebrows seems to be inhibited or delayed. The presence of dark eyebrows with greying scalp hair in males might be a clinical sign for patients at risk of diabetes type II.

How are alcoholic and lactic -acid fermentation have in common?

Both occur without the presence of oxygen, therefore they are anaerobic processes. They both yield two ATP molecules and regenerate NAD from NADH.

What can cause chronic inflammation?

Processes that can produce chronic inflammation are tuberculosis, inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, silicosis, and the continued presence of a foreign body in a wound.

How do enzymes regulate homeostatic processes?

One, by the genetically controlled 'copy number' of the number of individual enzymes available to the cytoplasm; two, by the concentration {or presence} of control factors that determine the activity of individual enzymes; and three, by the presence or absence of various termination factors that determine which Version of an enzyme is to be produced.

How does a plant get energy?

It has chloroplasts with contain photosynthesis and make food in the presence of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce sugars with would be used as energy for the plant to perform it's daily processes.

What makes the rough endoplasmic reticulum appear rough under the microscope?

the presence of ribosomes Many small ribosomes are attached to the surfaces of the rough ER. The rough ER processes proteins made by the ribosomes.