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They do not have the gravitational pull pulling their spines down in space.

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Q: Why are astronauts taller in space than earth?
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What do the astronauts do with there poop?

Astronauts eject their poop out of their spaceship. It doesn't pollute space so it's better than bringing it back to Earth.

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Why is it advantageous for astronauts to live on a space station rather than in a space shuttle

What are astronauts doing on the moon now?

There are no astronauts on the moon now. The last time astronauts were on the moon was in 1972. There are lots of astronauts in space. Most of them are on the International Space Station, which is orbiting the Earth. They are doing lots of scientific jobs there, and they are continuing the construction of the space station. There are usually 6 people on it at any one time. The Space Shuttle usually brings people to and from the International Space Station. So when it is also orbiting the Earth, there are more than 6 people in space.

Why are astronuats taller in space than earth?

Reduced gravity allows the disks in the spine to expand. It is the same reason that you are taller when you first get out of bed in the morning.

Do astronauts require less or more sleep than normal when they are in space?

They sleep up to .5 to 2.5 hours less then they do on Earth then in space

Do astronauts grow taller?

Yes up to 2 inches due to less gravity on their spines. They return back to the mormnal height on earth. It is similar to the effect sleeping has on the spine. On awakening you are 1/2" or so taller than in the evening.

Why is it advantageous for astronauts to live on a space station rather than a space shuttle?

it is advantageous for astronauts to live on a space station rather a space shuttle because a space station allow astronauts to stay and work extended time . A space shuttle is a space craft to transport astronauts , satellites, and other materials to and from space.

What mountain is taller than mouth Everest?

There is no mountain on earth taller than Mount Everest.

What planets or space related places have been visited by astronauts?

Other than visiting individual space stations, the moon is the only place that astronauts have visited.

What makes forest trees taller than city trees?

Forest trees are taller because there is more space for them to grow. Forest trees are taller because there is more space for them to grow.

Why are astronauts lighter on the moon than on earth?

yes noob

Is the space needle taller than the Sears Tower?

The Space Needle is 605 ft. tall and the Statue of Liberty is #05 ft. clearly The Space Needle is taller.