

Why are boys so immature when it comes to girls?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Because they are affraid you won't like them.

Boys mature slower than girls. The average boy matures at the age of 16-19. Sadly to say, girls mature at 14-18. So nature has been mean to us.

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Q: Why are boys so immature when it comes to girls?
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There are many reasons for a boy's immaturity- Being a boy myself, i believe that the main reason is that boys are TRYING to show off to their friends. They might also be trying to show off to a girl that they like. Another good question: Why are GIRLS so immature? that just got me even more confused. why do boys act immature to impress a girl? I, as a girl, don't find immaturity impressive at all. and as for the question, I have no idea. im not exactly in the "in crowd", so im as clueless as you.

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It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.

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