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Because kids think if they hang out with them they would be protected from other bullies. Or some kids do it hoping the bully will steal something for them. Some people also like tough guys or girls. They are popular because people see them as powerful and are scared of them.

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Q: Why are bullies popular if they treat other people very mean?
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most people act like bullies for many reasons: 1) some can act like bullies because they are scared that other bullies might bother them. so you could say that because they don't want to be bullied so they become bullies in order to protect themselves. 2) others act like bullies because they are just bad people. they feel like bullying and hurting kids younger than them, because they like it. anyways, some people become bullies because they want to show people that they are not hopeless. but they intend of doing it for a short perioud of time. it should be stopped soon before the person can become very used to the action and that action (bullying) could become into a habbit. Some people however, bully and show their awefull behavior only in school, and behind there parents' back. which means that they bully at school without any attention of their parents. this action is very bad, and should be stopped as soon as possible. anyways, don't feel that because they are bullies they are totally different than us, because we are all equal, we are all humans, and deep inside we know that these bullies inside are really as nice and desent inside as any other kind human being. posted by rima taisir yousuf

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Sometimes, teachers like to pick favorites. The student doesn't have to be popular to be a favorite of the teacher.

What is the best way to treat a bully?

Dont even treat a bully. There not worth it. Just ignore them. Bullies try to make people scared of them so they have power. If they make fun of you just ignore them and aventually they will leave you alone. If they go to some physical, then that's a different story.

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they are cowards and they need the coverage of other people to show their bad side.

Can how others treat each other impact how I treat people?

Yes it can. If you see people being mistreated, you'll be motivated to be a better person who can be compassionate to others and treat them better.