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It's because the more safety features that a car has, the higher chance there is for survival during a vehicular accident.

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Cuz all lives matter.

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Q: Why are cars that are safer more important?
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Which is safer cars or planes?

Cars plane have a more dangerous style of transportation

Are big cars safer than small cars?

Usually they are, because there is more material in between you and whatever hits you. also adding a roll cage to the car will help your car be more safer than usually.

Why more people are choosing cars than motorcycles?

Because cars are safer than motorcycles. Yet although motorbikes can occaisnally be cheaper people choose the safer option (most of the time!)

How has transport got safer over the years?

transport has got safer over the past years as we now have seatbelts and air bags in our cars now and i feel much more safer!

What are safer boats or cars?

There are far more car accidents than boating or shipping accidents. Though, of course, there are far more cars and passengers than boats and crews. Even taking this into account and the mileage travelled by each, boats are much safer.

Are self driving cars safer than normal cars?

no, because self driving cars are ALOT more computerized... therefore, there is a bigger chance in a computer malfunction.

What is the difference between old and new cars?

Apart from a lot of rust or a funky smell, new cars are far safer and more reliable.

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Are scooters safer than a cars?

no they have no protection on them so a car would be much safer.

Big cars are safer than small cars for two reasons?

The two reasons that big cars are safer than small cars include that they have bigger crush zones. The second reason is that they have longer hoods.

How did cars became safer?

air bags