

Why are chickens not green?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Because the judge wont let me buy green food colouring anymore ;)

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Related questions

Why are chickens not chickens?

Because the judge wont let me buy green food colouring anymore ;)

Do chickens lay green eggs?

The only chickens I have ever heard of that lay green eggs are Americana/Araucana.

Is it normal for chickens to have green ear lobes?

If they are in pain then no.

What thing lays green eggs?

Some ducks and chickens.

When and where were the first Kentucky Fried Chickens opened in Queensland?

Green slopes

Do some breeds of chickens lay colored eggs?

Yes Aracuana chickens can lay eggs with shells in shades of blue and green.

What type of chickens lay pink eggs?

Easter Egger chickens can lay a pinkish egg. They also can lay various shades of blue and also green.

What is a chickens favorite green?

Well if you are considered a chicken then most are salads cuz they good!

Can chickens be purple?

yes and green and blue and red and pink and orange and yellow etc

What is the chickens name on Green Acres?

There was Bertram the rooster and then there's Alice the chicken .

What is a fact about a chicken?

Chickens are the closest living relatives to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Some breeds of chickens, such as the Araucana and Ameraucana breeds (also known as Easter Egg Chickens) can lay eggs varying in color, from blue to green.

Can chickens eat onion?

Yes, they can eat onions and some do eat them. Most chickens will try to eat onions if they are offered but soon give up. The green onion and chives are readily eaten by chickens hunting around in the garden.