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Because of global warming. And people sell them on the internet.

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Q: Why are coral endangered species?
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Are coral reefs endangered?

yes coral reefs are very endangered and so are many of of the species that live in them

Is it illegal to bring black coral into Canada?

Black coral is an endangered species and it is illegal to bring it into Canada and the US.

What is the coral triangle?

the coral triangle is a big area of the ocean covered in different corals and rare marine species. It is endangered by a variety of human impacts.

Are fire coral endangered?

Fire Coral is not endangered, but they are not growing as much as they used too...

Why is the Belize Barrier Reef endangered?

No it is not endangered, but it is close to being defined as endangered. There are many species of coral that are needing a prune as there is too many but there are some that are almost extinct. Everything should even out though.

Why is the coral reef in the Philippines so important?

it is really important because it has the most endangered species of fish and sea creatures there

How are coral reefs being endangered?

The way coral reefs are being endangered are by us. We keep on throwing waste on the beaches. The water washes up on shore. And the waste floats down to the coral reefs. And the fishes and species that live there are either eating it or living in it. If they eat it the chemicals in the waste can kill them! if they are living in them then the saltwater in the coral reefs since the water is so warm, it release the chemicals in the water and the water gets into the species gills and kills them. It is up to us to stop throwing or leaving waste on the beaches so the coral reefs aren't in dangered anymore. So that is how the caorl reefs are endangered.

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What animals are endangered in the everglades?

There are many different species that are endangered in Florida. 8 species of ammphibians endangered 1 species of arachnids endangered 23 species of birds endangered 11 species of clams endangered 8 species of coralsm jellyfish and sea anemones endangered 25 species of crustaceans endangered 33 species of fishes endangered 18 species of insects endangered 15 species of mammals endangered 53 species of plants endangered 9 species of reptiles endangered 13 species of snails endangered

Is krill going to extinct?

The Krill are an endangered species because they eat organisms that live in coral reefs and coral is also going extinct. This will also affect the whale species because whales eat the krill species and without krill to eat the they will become extinct. and as you know if the coral goes extinct so will the krill.

Is the crow an Endangered Species?

No, it is not an endangered species

Is the species Aurelia aurita endangered?

I S THE ANIMAL ENDANGERED: They're not, that I know of. They may be losing some of their habitat in some areas, but jellyfish, anenomes, coral and other of the invertebrates are thriving in other areas.