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Because the replacement teeth grow inside the existing one.

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Q: Why are crocodiles teeth hollow?
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How do crocodiles kill?


Can sharks and crocodiles regrow broken teeth?

Actually, each time they eat, some of its teeth break or fall out.

How do crocodiles brush their teeth?

They don't.

How many teeth do crocadilles have?

crocodiles have 64 teeth twice as many as we have

What are some crocodiles defences?

Fricken massive teeth

Are human teeth hollow?

No, because when you chip a tooth there is no hollow compartment in the tooth.

What do snakes and crocodiles have in common?

they have sharp teeth

How long are a nile crocodiles teeth?

my mom is fat too

What is the difference between a cow a kangaroos and the crocodiles teeth?

a lot

What do Australian saltwater crocodiles eat?

Anything it can get it's teeth on!

What features do crocodiles have to make it a predator?

there double sets of teeth

How do crocodiles they eat?

Crocodiles eat through their mouths, like most advanced animals. They have very powerful jaws and teeth.