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They are not bad at all, generally speaking. Dams prevent sudden rainstorms in the mountains from becoming flash floods in the lowlands, and we can use the water power to generate electricity; electricity that would otherwise require burning coal or natural gas to make. (Since you're using a computer, I'm assuming that the alternative of not having electricity isn't really an option to you.) Dams allow the river flow to be regulated more constantly, instead of being floods in the spring and dry in the summer.

Nothing is all good or all bad; building a dam causes water to back up behind the dam, flooding the valley. If there were towns there, the people are forced to move away. River fish, such as salmon, cannot pass the dam swimming upstream to spawn or downstream to the ocean without special "fish ladders". If the dam were to break, it would release a flood downstream; this has happened only a couple of times in the USA, but happens occasionally elsewhere in the world.

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Because it kills salmon and other rarefish

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Q: Why are dams bad for fish?
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Is building dams a good thing or a bad?

Short answer- both. Dams can interfere with the migration of fish, and cuase rivers to silt up. However, dams are also used to control flooding, supply water and power.

Why is building dams a threaten to fish?

Building dams is a threat to fish because it takes away from their habitat and breeding grounds. Dams may also hinder their ability to migrate.

Why are fisherman against dams?

because the dams drive away the fish and makes the ecosystem FUNKY

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* pro - it is very clean * con - it has a significant impact on forest area due to flooding and the dams kill migrating fish.

Is taking out dams good or bad for salman?

HELL YES! According to Save Our Wild Salmon, a coalition of environmental groups and commercial and sport fishing associations, dams alone are responsible for the loss of 92 percent of salmon headed out to sea and of up to 25 percent on their way back upstream. "Fish are gone entirely from almost 40 percent of their historic rivers," says Dietrich, who adds that most of the remaining fish are at risk, too, qualifying for full protection under the Endangered Species Act. Quite simply, the fish just cannot swim past the dams.

What are delta smelt fish get eaten by?

Delta smelt are not being eaten. The dams California's making are sucking the fish into the grinding part of the dams and are grinding them into pieces.

Can you drink the water from dams?

no you can't it is bad

What is the bad thing of dams?

Dams can bring both benefits and problems to the environment. Dams affect the land and environment over a large area. These dams are also good targets for terrorist activity.

Dams may prevent salmon from breeding by?

Dams can and have prevented the fish from getting to their normal breeding grounds which they have used for thousands of years.

How has technology afeccted fish?

Dams have been build blocking fish like salmon from climbing upstream to reproduce. The Dams are built to generate electricity with their generators and the make towns inhabitable though.

Why are dams dangerous?

Yes and no, they provide a plentiful source of clean energy, however, they also have a profound impact on local wildlife. Many fish species would not be able to reach the breeding grounds they go to every year, and some organisms would also die when a lake is created. In my opinion, the energy provided justifies the damage, as beyond construction, no CO2 is emitted.

Are there any ways that hydroelctric power might be bad for the environment?

The only thing that makes it 'bad' - is that the land upstream from the dam ends up flooded, which displaces native animals and invertebrates from their 'homes'. The dams can prevent fish from their normal migration