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Dates are given with reference to the birth of Jesus of Nazareth [c. 7-4 B.C.E. - c. A.D. 30] in the Christian calendar. Christians believe in the existence of Jesus as the part human, part divine Messiah. That belief spread with the spread of Christianity, especially throughout Europe and the Americas. Along with the belief came the calendar. The calendar has worldwide use because of the worldwide spread of Christianity and because of the high level of economic and political development that's linked with countries where Christianity has a foothold.

But there actually are different systems for identifying dates in the past, present, and future. The Christian system of dating is just one of quite a few competing calendars still in effect today. For example, the Jewish calendar identifies as year 1 the equivalent of 3760 B.C.E. in the Christian calendar. So the Jewish system of dating begins in the year that Judaism recognizes as the creation of the world. The Islamic calendar identifies as year 1 the equivalent of July 622 in the Christian calendar. So the Muslim system of dating begins with the flight from Mecca to Medina of their prophet, Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah [570-June 8, 632].

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Q: Why are dates given in terms of years before or after the birth of Christ if Christ never existed?
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"Anno Domini" means "Year of Our Lord" in Latin. The Lord refered to is Jesus Christ and for the purposes of dating it is assumed (in this system) that The year 1 AD is the date of Jesus Christ's birth although many modern historians have suggested alternative dates. This sytem was popularised by Bede. The dates are simple to understand, the present is the year AD 2009 or 2009 AD, which literally means 2009 years after the birth of Jesus Christ. Dates before the birth of Jesus Christ are give the appelation BC (before Christ) and the larger the number the further before the year 1 AD it is. So 2 years before the birth of Jesus Christ would be 2 BC but 1000 BC is 1000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.

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BC - Before Christ, then his life which is unaccounted for timewise, and then AD - Anno Domini For example: Dates Before Christ are written 350 BC Dates after Christ's birth are written AD 250

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30AD refers to the year 30 in the Common Era, which is based on the Gregorian calendar. This year is significant in the context of Christianity as it is traditionally believed to be the year of Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

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AD is easy to remember if it is expressed as 'after death', but AD actually stands for anno Domini. BC is all dates before the birth of Christ, while AD represents all other dates.

Why are BC dates are counted backwards?

It is a countdown to the birth of your savior. 10 BC is ten years before the birth of christ. 9 BC is nine years before the birth of christ, etc. In the Christian world the year is 2012 AD. If you are Muslim the year is 1433 AH. The AD and AH originated from Latin and indicate after birth, not after death.

What is ad and bc?

= Answer = AD stands for the Latin Anno Domini, meaning "Years" (Anno) of our "Lord" Domini and refers to the birth of Jesus which was about 2009 years ago. BC is before Christ. = Answer = Our Calender is a calender based on the sun and before 1582 has 365 1/4 days in a year. In 1582 Pope Gregory decreed a new calender of leap years but excluded the leap years on the century ie 1900 but put it back every 4 centuries ie 2000. It is a continuation of the Egyptian calender which dates back to about 327BC.

Are BC dates before the Bible?

BC = Before (the birth of) Christ. Consequently the New Testament was written later (= AD), but the Old Testament hundreds of years earlier (= BC).

What does the BC stand for in dates?

Before Christ

What does BC mean?

It is used to denote years Before Christ

BC is equal to how many years?

BC stands for "Before Christ," and it refers to the years before the birth of Jesus Christ. So, BC does not represent a specific number of years but indicates the countdown towards the birth of Christ.

What does BC in calendar dates stand for?

Before Christ