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Q: Why are dictatorships and Monarchies is considered autocratic political systems?
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Why are dictatorships and monarchies considered autocratic political system?

both systems are ruled by one person.

How are the decisions made in socialism?

Socialism is a set of economic policies and has no input on the questions of political organization. Socialism can be practiced in democracies, republics, monarchies, military juntas, absolute dictatorships, theocracies, and any other regime type.

What is the role of citizens in non-democratic country?

Often there are no political parties in other places. Some countries are still ruled by dictatorships, while others are monarchies. Then, you have religion rule the country and have a religious leader as the head of the country.

What government usually suppress political opposition?

Oligarchies suppress political opposition, as do dictatorships.

What were the political conditions in Europe in the 1940s?

mostly monarchies and fascist gornments

Political theorist who championed autocratic ideas in the 17th century?

Thomas Hobbes

What is an anocracy?

An anocracy is a political system which is neither fully democratic nor fully autocratic, and is therefore vulnerable to political instability.

Political system whose ruler is unchecked and absolute?

This political system is known as absolutism. Sometimes absolutist governments can turn into dictatorships.

What are the four types of political authority?

Traditional authority,legal authority,and autocratic authority.

Where in Europe is a Dicatatorship?

As of my last update, there are no current dictatorships in Europe. Most European countries are democratic nations with varying political systems in place.

How are the leaders of the dictatorships chosen?

They choose themselves either through political revolution or military coup.

How do political scientist classify government?

Political scientists typically classify governments based on factors such as the distribution of power among different branches or levels, the extent of citizen participation, and the degree of separation between government and other societal institutions. Common classifications include democracies (representative, direct, liberal, etc.), autocracies (monarchies, dictatorships, etc.), and hybrid systems that combine elements of both.