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Dolphins are important to the ecosystem because if there weren't any dolphins the animals in the food chain would all be extinct.

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11y ago

Dolphins are not necessarily a big contribution to the ocean's requirements.

They're just beautiful creatures that shouldn't go extinct from man-kinds greediness.

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they can sometimes be helpful

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Q: Why are dolphins important to their environment?
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How do dolphins adopt to environment?

How do dolphins adopt to environment

How are dolphins important to the environment?

They warn us of weather changes and pollution problems.

What is a dolphins environment?


Do dolphins affect their environment?

Yes they do.

What is the bottlenose dolphins environment?

the sea

How do pink dolphins adapt to their environment?

well the pink dolphins adapt to their environment with their tail and the effect of that is because it helps them swim of course

How do dolphins change their environment?

it depends on the species.

What type of environment is best for the dolphins?

in the sea.

Why re dolphins intelligent?

Dolphins are intelligent to protect themselves from predators and need to be aware of their environment to survive as a species.

How important are dolphins to humans?

Dolphins are very important to humans as there have been countless stories about dolphins saving human being's lives.

Do dolphins blend in with their environment?

Yes . They blend in with the rocks and water .

What is importance of dolphins?

dolphins are important becuz......................they have saved a lot of humans lives!yah goo dolphins