

Why are farmers using genetically modified organisms?

Updated: 6/22/2020
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13y ago

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They are genetically modified to taste better.

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So they can spray weed killer on the land without killing the corn. GMO corn is round-up resistant.

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Q: Why are farmers using genetically modified organisms?
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What is a example of a genetically modified food and how is it created?

Genetically modified foods are actually quite common today. They are created by farmers using selective cross breeding and by scientists manipulating the food's genetic code. Common examples of this type of food are seedless fruits.

Where are genetically modified organisms currently in use?

They are grown all across the USA and Canada and in many other parts of the world. At least 70% of processed foods in the grocery stores in the U.S. have GMO ingredients. Much of the meat in the U.S. has been grown using hormones that are genetically modified. Dairy cows are often given genetically modified hormones in the U.S. Some pharmaceutical drugs are made using genetic modification.

What is a definition of gmo's?

Genetically modified organisms are living things that have had their DNA altered in some way using genetic engineering.

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organic Cotton is grown without using pesticides from plants which are not genetically modified

Does ascorbic acid come from a natural source?

Pure Ascorbic Acid which is generally used for food supplements and in foods is generally NOT from a natural source. It is synthetised by a chemical reaction, sometimes also by using genetically modified organisms.

How can an organism be genetically modified?

By use of genetic engineering techniques, an organism may be able to be genetically modified. Various organisms ranging from bacteria to food products have been genetically modified in the society.

What are GMO's?

GMO's = Genetically Modified Organisms. Which means that in a organism the natural genetic make up is altered in a way that is not natural for the organism using genetic engineering. In the GMO's the alteration are occurred for some noble purposes like the desired product from the organism is increased or the survivability strain is increased. The GMO's goes with plant and animals also. Like the GMO eggplant which is resistant to a specific insect.

What are the top 3 genetically modified food?

Three foods that have been genetically engineered are corn, soy, and canola. It is possible that some fruits and vegetables have been genetically engineered using a slightly different method than ones we hear about.

Differences between organic and comfort food?

comfort food is simply prepared and assocciated with the sense of home or contentment. organic food refers to crops or livestocks that are grown on the farm without application of synthetic fetilizers or pesticides and without using genetically modified organisms.

How gene products such as cellulose and genetically modified bacteria with increased capability for nitrogen fixation can facilitate raising farm plants and animals?

Nitrogen is an essential nutrients that facilitate plant growth thus using the genetically modified bacteria can help much in plant production which in turn can support the ecological balance

What is the importance of transgenic organisms?

A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes. Transgenic organisms, a subset of GMOs, are organisms which have inserted DNA that originated in a different species

What qualities must a food have to be considered genetically modified?

In a broad sense, a plant is genetically modifiedwhenever changes to the genes in the plant occur. This could occur naturally, through hybridization, or through genetic engineering.To be considered genetically engineered, a food must have been created using genetic engineering: the process of manually changing the genetic makeup of a plant in a lab, often by extracting a gene from one species and inserting it into an related species (such as a bacteria gene being inserted into corn).The terms genetically modified and genetically engineered are often used interchangeably to refer to genetic engineering.