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Because there is a large relationship between the to and so they have similar features so they call them the same. they also look very similar.

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Q: Why are frog bone named after human bones?
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What were the major differences between human leg bones to frog's leg bone?

The skeleton of a human and frog are quite similar. There are a couple differences with the radius and ulna on a frog being fused together as well as the tibia and fibula bones.

What are the number of bones in a frog upper limb?

there are 23 bones in the upper extremities

How many bones does a lizard have?

There are 159 bones in a frog skeleton, depending on what type of frog.

Are frog's back bones made of bone?

It would make sense...

Why zoologists name the bones of a frog like those of humans?

because the bones and muscles of a frog are the same as a human

Who is the zoologist who named frog bones?

they kinda look alike.

Which bone in the frog skeleton would hold the most weight?

The bones that would hold the most weight in a frog would be the urostyle. This is basically the spine of the frog.

Which one of these bones is not found in a horse?

Frogs have skulls like a human, but they do not have necks, so they can't turn, lift or lower their heads like humans do. A frog does not have ribs even though the have a rib like structure. The structure is actually part of its spine. The frog's backbone is made up of 9 vertebrae whereas a human has 24. A human has separate bones for the arm called a radius and ulna, but in a frog fused together into one bone. The same thing for the legs. In a human we have a tibia and fibula, but in a frog these are fused into one bone.

How are frog bones different than human bones?

How are they the same? The bones in a frog are inside of its body and humans are the same way. How are they different? They are different because their fingers and toes are webbed.

What is the scientific name of the frog's ankle bone?

In frogs the ankle bones (or tarsals) are fused to form the astragalus-calcaneum.

What is the difference between an animal skeleton and a human skeleton?

All animals at different, so it has to be a specific animal. Generally a human has a different skull. If the animal is an invertebrate, the human skeleton would have a spine whereas the invertebrate would not.

What human skeletal system is missing in the frog?

The axial and appendicular both make up a frog and human's skeletal system. For a frog, the skeletal system's main function is locomotion and maintaining posture. Although the human and frog skeletal system also protect vital organs the frog does not have any ribs whereas a human does. The frog also has less number of vertebrae, extended pelvic bones, and long bones of the hind legs. The frog skeletal system has l59 and the human has 206. The human's skeletal system is a moveable frame and is an efficient factory for producing red blood cells. The frog's skeletal system also produces red blood cell and all their bones are covered with a membrane called the periosteum from which they get their circulation nerves.