

Why are frogs and toads so dangerous in Peru?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The frogs and toads have poisonous venom and can kill a man in 3 days.

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Q: Why are frogs and toads so dangerous in Peru?
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Related questions

Can frogs and toads kill you?

most frogs and toads can't but some can its because of there poison. most poisonous frogs are bright colored so watch out for those.

Do frogs and toads have brains?

Yes, frogs and toads have brains. They are animals that need them in order to live and do their day to day functions.

What is the type of fertilization in toads and frogs?

i found out that common frogs use external fertilization so i assume toads do as well.hope it helped. :D

What can you call a frog other than frog?

There are essentially frogs and toads. All toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads. Amphibians (Class Amphibia) contain the newts, salamanders, frogs, toads and cicilians. Anurans (Order Anura) contains the tail-less amphibians - the frogs and toads This further breaks down into the Buffonids (family bufonidae) and the other frogs of various family linages. So the short answer to your question is 'anurans'

Do frogs and toads have an amniotic egg?

Mammals, birds, and reptiles lay amniotic eggs, and frogs and toads are none of these, so, no, frogs and toads do not have amniotic eggs. Amniotic eggs contain a yolk and aid in gas and energy exchange.

Do toads lay their eggs in clumps?

All toads are frogs and all frogs lay their eggs in clumps, so, yes!!

What is responsible for the green color of frogs?

because frogs in the 1789 were yellow and when they were tadpoles they were green but now the frogs are green and the tadpoles are yellow and toads are a yellow greeny coulor so that why frogs are green because toads are yellow and frogs are green because the people who invented frogs and toads didnt want to be the same coulor.

Are touds and frogs the same?

No. Although frogs and toads are both amphibians, they are completely different species from each other. Frogs belong to the family Ranidae while toads belong to the family Bufonidae.

Do you like toads?

um yes man i love toads there so awsum for gods sake rock on frogs wooohoo

Do toads walk?

Well, both toads and frogs have legs. So, technically they both walk, but it's really more like hopping. Not sure if that's the answer you were looking for, but.. xD Males walk onto females, and probably they walk when the distance is small.

Do frogs spit poison?

I don't think so. I think TOADS spit poison.

Are frogs underwater creatures?

Frogs are amphibians. That means they can live on land, but they must return to water alot to lay eggs and breathe, whereas toads are land animals, so if you live in a house far from any water bodies or out in the country without ponds the pads/frogs you see in your garden are most likely be toads. So yes, frogs may be underwater creatures but they roam land aswell