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Normally greenhouse gases are not dangerous. They keep the planet warm and allow us to live. But in the last 200 years we have been adding much more greenhouse gases than before to the atmosphere. This is making the atmosphere heat up. This warming happens all over the planet - global warming.

We add greenhouse gases by:

  • burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in transport and for electricity.
  • deforestation. Cutting down trees means they no longer soak up carbon dioxide.
  • eating more red meat. World wide demand for beef means that rainforests are cut down for grazing land. Cattle belch out methane, which is a much more dangerous greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
  • having babies. The world's population is now putting great demands on our supplies of water and food. Poorer countries are demanding the same standard of living as developed countries and the demand for electricity and gasoline is increasing.
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Q: Why are greenhouse gases so dangerous?
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What gases are not greenhouse gas?

Greenhouse gases must have three atoms, so gases like hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) are not greenhouse gases.

What region has the least greenhouse gases?

The warmth of the sun and the global winds mix the greenhouse gases all round the world, so there is nowhere that has more, or less of the greenhouse gases.

What are greenhouse gases and how do they get this name?

they get greenhouse gases cos we poo and the methane comes from cows so cowpat is great!

How can you use the term greenhouse gases in a sentence?

The greenhouse gases contribute to the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are inescapable.

What does 'sequestering greenhouse gases' mean?

To sequester means to keep away from other things so sequestering greenhouse gases means to contain the gases in a location away from other gases. Greenhouse gases are building up in the atmosphere, so scientists are investigating ways of pumping them underground.

How is the climate affected by the greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases can be very hot, so once they get out into the air, the climate gets hotter.

Why is methane so dangerous in a mine?

It is dangerous because it can replace the oxygen in your lungs and it is odorless resulting in asphyxia. methane is a harmful gas that if inhaled, it can kill you. :-[

What is oxygens role in greenhouse gases?

Oxygen is not a greenhouse gas. It deceases the greenhouse gases.

How are atmospheric gases like the gases in a greenhouse?

The glass on the greenhouse stops temperature from leaving or entering like the gases do to the earth.The atmospheric gases are called 'greenhouse gases' based on the idea that the gases 'trap' heat like the walls of a greenhouse do

What does the greenhouse do to the gases from the atmosphere?

The greenhouse effect warms the gases in the atmosphere.

What are anthropogenic greenhouse gases?

Anthropogenic means made by humans, so the greenhouse gases caused by man are mostly carbon dioxide and some methane, and some CFCs.

How do you use the words 'greenhouse gases' in a sentence?

Greenhouse gases are naturally occurring gases but by increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere we are contributing to global warming.