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They don't have boobs. *** Despite the fact that men's chests (especially the nipples) are visually and tactilely sexualized for many people--especially but not exclusively gay males--they are not generally regarded as part of their sexual anatomy in Western culture. Nevertheless, there seems to be some sexual element in the distaste some people express at seeing a shirtless male.

However, in the same culture, women's breasts (especially the nipples) are considered sexual. This means women are not generally permitted to be topless in Western countries, and that "pasties" to cover the nipples may be required for female strippers. However, there are many places in the world, including parts of Africa, where this is not the case and women are allowed to be topless in public just like men.

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Is it illegal for a guy to walk shirtless in Florida?

No it is not illegal in florida to walk around shirtless. During summer, it is actually quite common to see shirtless guys walking around. I myself have gone to several gas stations shirtless and no one has any issues with it.

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When sleeping, hanging out, changing, going outside, wrestling. --- I'm shirtless all the time at home, when swimming, whenever I'm outside, in change rooms, at the beach, having sex, a lot of the time. Guys are always shirtless.

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When i am at home I am shirtless all the time it is more comfortable and some times I just walk around in boxers my family dose not care I even go in in my front yard shirtless and I am only 13. Go shirtless it's more comfortable for guys.

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Yes. Why do you think the movie series ''Twilight'' is so popular. Because it goes about every minute and BAM, a shirtless guy.

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Some wear pyjamas, some wear boxers and shirt, some sleep shirtless..why? Because they like it and as long they are fine with it. It depends mainly on temperature. I don't think they sleep shirtless in the base camp of Mt. Everest or in the Antarctic polar station or in winter in unheated rooms.

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Why not? As if gay men wouldn't appreciate hot guys parading shirtless and in bikinis

Why no pics jaden smith shirtless?

there is pick's of him shirtless

Why can't women go around shirtless like guys?

It's just that society has said that it's wrong, and I personally don't see anything wrong with it.

Should you exercise shirtless?

If you're a guy it's fine if you want to exercise shirtless. I'm a teen and I exercise shirtless all the time.

Why didn't Jonathan brandis pose shirtless?

Jonathan Brandis did pose shirtless.

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The cast of Chronicles of a Shirtless Vampire - 2011 includes: Struan Sutherland as Shirtless Vampire

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Google Nick Jonas Shirtless on Google Images. You can see all of them shirtless!! It's soooo hot!!