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It's just that society has said that it's wrong, and I personally don't see anything wrong with it.

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Q: Why can't women go around shirtless like guys?
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Is it illegal for a guy to walk shirtless in Florida?

No it is not illegal in florida to walk around shirtless. During summer, it is actually quite common to see shirtless guys walking around. I myself have gone to several gas stations shirtless and no one has any issues with it.

For boys and teen if you are at home will you wear t-shirt or singlet or being shirtless?

When i am at home I am shirtless all the time it is more comfortable and some times I just walk around in boxers my family dose not care I even go in in my front yard shirtless and I am only 13. Go shirtless it's more comfortable for guys.

Is it a common female fantasy for guys with good bodies to frequently walk around shirtless?

Yes. Why do you think the movie series ''Twilight'' is so popular. Because it goes about every minute and BAM, a shirtless guy.

What are some times you go shirtless?

When sleeping, hanging out, changing, going outside, wrestling. --- I'm shirtless all the time at home, when swimming, whenever I'm outside, in change rooms, at the beach, having sex, a lot of the time. Guys are always shirtless.

Is it a sign of homosexuality if male friends like to hang out together in the nude?

no. guys love to be naked around other guys just for fun. some guys do it to show off their stuff while others simply do it because they want to feel more free around others but they no they cant be nude around certain women so they do it around men. it acctually means they are more manly not gay

Why do guys sleep shirtless?

Some wear pyjamas, some wear boxers and shirt, some sleep shirtless..why? Because they like it and as long they are fine with it. It depends mainly on temperature. I don't think they sleep shirtless in the base camp of Mt. Everest or in the Antarctic polar station or in winter in unheated rooms.

Can a guy answer this what affect do us women have on you guys?

Girls have one main thing, and that's that us guys are, and i cant deny it, naturally attracted. Guys will go crazy for a girl, whether it be fighting, stalking, ect.

Who cheats first guys or women?

well it depends, but studdies show that man cheat first because they cant commit to a relationship

Why do women hate loud exhaust?

we hate it cause usually if its loud then it hurts the earth and smells alot. plus women like to talk to guys and if the exhaust is loud we cant be heard.

Can men go to thunder down under in las Vegas?

Why not? As if gay men wouldn't appreciate hot guys parading shirtless and in bikinis

Do guys fall in love faster and harder than women?

Most definitely but it is generally better to hide this fact lest you be seen as a psycho hell no!!! NO!! GUYS ARE SO INSENSITIVE THAT CANT BE TRUE AT ALL

Why are guys so blind?

Well guys are guys you cant help the way of life.