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Health supplements are not required to be regulated by the FDA if they do not claim to treat any particular disease. They are considered nutritional supplements. Make sure to ask your doctor to find out whether they are safe or effective.

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Q: Why are health supplements such as vitamins not regulated by the FDA How can I know they are safe or effective?
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Vitamins and Supplements?

form_title= Vitamins and Supplements form_header= Enrich your health with vitamins and supplements! What types of vitamins and supplements do you want to buy?*= _ Are you currently taking any vitamins and supplements?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure If so, what kind?*= _

Does Schiff make vitamins and/or supplements for prostate health?

Schiff has been making vitamins and supplements for over 65 years. They have them for almost everything.Yuu should take to your health care professional before starting supplements for you prostate or any other health issue.

Vitamins that are sold in a health-food store are or is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration?

is this a subject verb agreement3a. Vitamins that are sold in a health-food store are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.3b. Vitamins that are sold in a health-food store is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

What is the verb in this sentence Vitamins that are sold in a health food store are not regulated.?

sold and regulated are both verbs

Where can I found out about nutritional supplements vitamins?

Here is a great link to find about nutritional supplements vitamins, health and diet.

Where can I find more information on supplements vitamins ?

There are a number of places you can get more information about supplements and vitamins. One is from a health food store. Another great place is from a health and fitness store like GNC.

What are the some good vitamin supplements for health?

Some good vitamins supplements to boost someones health includes Vitamin C tablets and Vitamin D tablets. These supplements can be found at your nearest chemist.

What are health risks related to the use of supplemnts?

It is recommended that you talk to your physcian before initiating the use of dietary supplements due to medication interactions and or possible side effects. Diabetics should not take Glucose Chondroitin, and Liver Toxicitiy can result if one takes too much Vitamins A, D, E and K. Vitamins and Dietary Supplements ARE NOT regulated by the FDA.

What is the subject-verb agreement in vitamins that are sold in a health-food store are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration?

vitamins = pluralare = plural

What kind of vitamins and supplements are there?

There are so many kinds of vitamins and supplements that are available. All of them will help promote health. Your best bet would be to purchase a multivitamin so that all of your bases are covered.

Other than Omega-3 what are some good heart health supplements?

Some really good diets and supplements are consuming decaf coffee for its antioxidant heart health, COq supplements, and B Complex vitamins.

Is this sentence a subject verb agreement Vitamins that are sold in a health food store are not regulated by the food and drug administration?

That does not agree it should be...."Vitamins that are sold in a health food store are not regulated by the food and drug administration."