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Because hot spots remain pretty much stationary within the earth, so as the tectonic plates move over them, they create a chain or line of volcanic islands that show the direction the plate has moved over the stationary hotspot.

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Q: Why are hot spots used to track the movement of tectonic plates?
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How do you track movements tectonic plates?

How do you track it

How do hot spots help track tectonic plates?

The hot spots occur around the edges of tectonic plates as they grind, move or slide past each other. One plate will be pushed down into the mantle and heats up. This creates molten rock and forces capable of forming volcanoes. Mark the sites of volcanoes and the edges of the plates can be mapped.

What is a seimologist?

A seismologist studies the movement of the earth's tectonic plates and, by extension, earthquakes. They use seismographs and other tools to track imperceptible movements that may predict an upcoming seismic event.

What can be used to easily track the direction of plate movement?

Hot spots can be used to track plate movements.

How are hot spots used to track plate movement?

Hot spots are at fixed locations in the Earth's mantle where heat from the Earth's interior rises to the surface and produces volcanism. The Earth's plates, which are slowly but constantly moving, are pierced by the uprising magma. As they move away from the hotspot, the volcanoes become dormant and are replaced by new volcanoes. The direction of the line formed from previous volcanoes indicates the direction of the plate movement.

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They now think that the continents are moving because of tectonic plates and how they move, or drift, apart.

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So the police can track you down.

How do scientists track tectonic plate movement?

It helps to predict earthquakes, to understand the origin of things, to understand and predict volcanic activity, to predict where some mineral deposits may be found, to understand prehistoric life; the list goes on...

What can be used to track plate movement?

They can be tracked by satellites.

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How many spots are there on a Snow Leopard?

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