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Human sacrifices are the most valuable sacrifices one can make to the gods. Sacrificing captives, as the Aztecs did, does tend to counter this since captives are held in lower esteem than one's own people but the Aztecs made up for this by the great number of sacrifices. Most Old World gods who were thought to respond to human sacrifices, controversially even including the Hebrew God in early pre-Exilic times, demanded the sacrifice of one's own child. 2 Kings 16:3 and 2 Kings 21:6 are two examples of human sacrifices in The Bible, performed by King Ahaz (8th century BCE) and King Manasseh (7th century BCE), although they were far from unusual in early monarchic times.

Leon R. Kass (The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis) says that in the ancient world, circumcision was probably a symbolic act of human sacrifice.

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Why did the Aztecs think human sacrifices were important?

They thought humans served as worthy sacrifices to their gods. They were losers who were killed by the spanish just for their gold, so don't take them seriously, besides that we have Jesus Christ, so who needs the "Aztec Gods".

Did Aztecs do human sacrifices?

They did it so that they could offer the gods blood and human bodies.

Why did the Aztecs think human sacrifices was important?

The Aztecs think that human sacrifice was important because they thought the gods that they worshiped would grow weak and they wouldn't have the stuff they had.

Why did the religion Aztecs made human sacrifices for nature gods?

the gods used peoples sacrifices for nourishment so they can live longer

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A. roads that connected important temples to each other. B. the barracks that housed soldiers and military leaders. C. the entrance to residences carved into rock walls. D. temples where human sacrifices were performed.

Why did the Aztec have human sacrifice?

the Aztec had human sacrifices because that is what they believed was right, and believed that if they didn't give human sacrifices to the gods that they would be punished.

What was Aztec art often use to decorate?

temples where human sacrifices were performed

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Why did the Aztecs feel that they needed to give the sun god human sacrifices?

so they could have a have good for crops

How many steps did the Aztecs temples have?

there were approximately around 100 steps on the Aztec temples that the human sacrifices were made to climb before they were killed

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This question is illogical and fallacious, as well as pretty much unintelligible. Perhaps the questioner can explain his question in a manner that would allow an answer.

What important building was in Tenochtitlan and what happened there?

The most sacred building in Tenochtitlan (and in any Aztec city, for that matter) would've been their pyramids. The pyramids were used by the priest in order to provide human sacrifices to their gods. The Aztecs believed that human sacrifices kept the gods happy.