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Q: Why are miscarriages common in women with O- blood group?
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Can you have a miscarriage after you stopped using the depo shot?

Miscarriage is common. Both women who used Depo and women who never did have miscarriages.

What is the problem when b positive blood group women marry a b negative blood group men?

no problem

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Could it be your husband's fault if you and his ex-wife have both had miscarriages?

So many women have miscarriages that it is unlikely. If you both had recurrent miscarriages and neither of you have had a baby it is possible but still unlikely. i dont have an answer to that but my husband's ex had a miscarriage and so did I.

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iron deficiency anemia is most common in women occur because of menstrual blood loss

If you had two miscarriages and you trying for a baby now will you miscarriage?

That´s impossible to know. Many women have several miscarriages but succeed getting pregnant and go all the way.

How many miscarriages can you have before you cant have a baby no more?

There is no limit unless you get scarring inside or damaged. The reasons why you have miscarriages will also play a part. There are women who's had more than 15 miscarriages but still manages to have a baby but often with the help of a doctor.

Is the word women a proper noun?

No, the word "women" is a common noun. It refers to a group of female individuals.

How many miscarriages can a women normally have before serious medical problems?

Typically after three miscarriages. After three, your doctors will take more precautions when you become pregnant. For example, more blood tests for progesterone, cysts, cervical conditions... If you are trying to conceive then you may have to begin certain treatments before you become pregnant again.

What could be wrong with a women who bleeds for two years?

It may be due to miscarriages and abnormal periods