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Q: Why are monopolies generally not in public interest?
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Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?

The monopolies commission, or to give it its' full title "The Monopolies and Mergers Commission" exists to prevent monopolies and mergers of companies that may be against the public interest.If 2 such commissions were in existence at the same moment in time then they could merge.So by virtue of remaining a solitary public institution the monopolies commission is fulfilling its' role by preventing a future merger that may be contrary to the public interest.

How did the government respond to public pressure to prohibit trust and monopolies?

Public pressure for a federal law to prohibit trusts and monopolies led congress to pass the sherman antitrust act in 1890.

What is public interest?

cases filed by individuals on matters of public interest

What is acting in public interest?

To act in public interest is to do that which is to the benefit of the public.

Why are monopolies regulated by the government?

Monopolies are regulated to protect consumers. An unregulated monopoly can charge prices higher than the efficient level of production which causes some consumers to be left out of the market. Governments can combat this by breaking up monopolies with antitrust laws and turning monopolies into public entities.

What do you understand by public interest?

What do you understand by acting in the public interest

When was The Public Interest created?

The Public Interest was created in 1965.

Unlike other interest groups public interest group?

Public interest groups do advocate for what they consider to be the public good.

Is Fedecor a sectional interest group or public interest group?

FEDECOR is a public interest group

What is commitment to public interest?

Commitment to public interest is when you care about your community. Many politicians talk about being committed to public interest.

What are public utilities regulated by?

It is important to know who the public utilities are regulated by. Depending on the company, the public utilities can be regulated by community-based groups or the state-wide government monopolies.

Why is pantomanok not included in the list of filipino superheroes?

Generally popularity list are governed by the public's opinion, sometimes the era has a lot to do with diminished interest.