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This is really a profoud question. We ARE evil and unintelligent. We are also HERE. The things that are characteristic to human kind are the things that helped us survive the millions of years of our history. Barring catastrophic disasters, species sometimes survive because they have enough built-in flexibility to adapt to a new environment. Only time will tell if our evil and unintelligence will continue to serve us, or will be our undoing. We are creating a world vastly different from the one that gave us birth. The world we are creating is becoming alien to us. Let us see if our 'old' skills continue to work their power.

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It is not accurate to say that most humans are evil and unintelligent. Individuals may engage in harmful behavior for various reasons, such as social conditioning, mental health issues, or personal experiences. Human intelligence varies widely across individuals, and many show great compassion, empathy, and intelligence in their actions and decisions.

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Q: Why are most humans just so evil and unintelligent?
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What prenatal stage of development in humans is the most rapid?

The embryonic stage, which lasts from fertilization until around 8 weeks, is the most rapid period of prenatal development in humans. This is when the major organs and systems of the body begin to form.

What is the most human-like of the apes?

The chimpanzee is considered the most human-like ape because it shares more than 98% of its DNA with humans, exhibits complex social behavior, tool use, and communication skills that are similar to humans.

What are some things that humans can do that other animals can't?

Humans have the ability to create complex languages, develop advanced technology, engage in abstract thinking and problem-solving, and exhibit self-awareness and consciousness to a greater extent than most other animals. Additionally, humans have developed sophisticated social structures and cultural practices that are unique in the animal kingdom.

Only humans are believed to have dreams?

While humans are the most studied when it comes to dreaming, some studies suggest that other mammals such as rats and dogs also experience a form of dreaming during their sleep. Although the exact nature of animal dreaming is still debated, there is evidence to suggest that dreaming might not be exclusive to humans.

Who is the worlds most evil man?

It is subjective to label someone as the "most evil" man in the world as evil is not easily quantifiable. However, history has shown that individuals like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Pol Pot are often considered some of the most notorious figures due to the atrocities they committed.

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There is no definitive answer to whether humans are naturally good or evil, as it depends on various factors such as environmental influences, genetics, and personal experiences. Humans have the capacity for both good and evil behavior, and it is our choices and actions that ultimately determine whether we lean towards one or the other.

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Close, but no. The nazi doctors that experimented on children were the most evil people to ever exist (a little research will do more than just disturb you). Shipman was evil, to be sure, but just not THE most evil.

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There are more then just 1 vampire. Most of them act human and survive on animal blood but 3 other tracker vampires are evil and kill humans.

Does hammerhead sharks kill you?

Not usually. It's rare that this species (or most species) of sharks attack humans on purpose. Although, if you are being unintelligent and/or disrupt a shark's general way of life, it may become agitated and, well, DO something about it, unexpectedly and unpleasantly.

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European dragons were most likely to attack humans for the purpose of adding to their treasure horde, but other types would be hostile if they think they have been found by humans.

What species are most fairy tale villains?

Cats, they are evil! you may think wolfs are evil but they are just misunderstood so ha

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Sasuke from Naruto! He left his most beloved people for just the stupid snake man!!!

Why do they use monkeys for see no evil hear no evil speak no evil?

They're chimpanzees instead of monkeys in most drawings. Chimps are used because they're the closest primate to humans - they look almost exactly like us, so people find it humorous to see them doing things that humans would do, like dressing up in clothing and using human gestures.