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Organic farming relies on more mechanical cultivation methods than the chemical treatments or genetically modified seeds used in conventional farming.

These methods require more time, for instance carrot fields may need to be weeded 3 times, so labor costs are more important.

The extra cost you pay means more local jobs are sustained by the farm, healthier food means a lower healthcare bill for you and the country, and organic farming means less soil erosion, no chemical run-offs in the rivers and underground water. Suddenly, these two pounds of carrots you bought look like you just saved the world!

Carrots are especially prone to weeds because of their seeds' long germination time. Creative organic farmers try to reduce the weeding costs by practicing fake plant bed, i.e. preparing and watering the soil as if they had planted the seeds. The weeds will start to germinate and then you can get rid of them and plant the carrot seeds. Another method is a gas burner: Since carrot seeds take longer to germinate, weeds will start growing before them: You can just wilt the young weeds with a gas burner without affecting the underground carrot seeds.

In the US, most organic farming is performed on an industrial scale, so organic produce is not overly expensive compared to chemical farming produce.

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Q: Why are organic carrots more expensive than normal ones?
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