

Why are passwords typed twice?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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15y ago

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To ensure that you have typed the password correctly the first time, instead of having you enter it wrong and then be unable to access your account.

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Q: Why are passwords typed twice?
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Why do i have to type a password twice?

To make sure the user has typed the first one correctly - sometimes people think they have typed correctly but have made a mistake, and twice is a double-check that it is alright.

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Possible problems: 1. Same email, used twice. 2. Username already take 3. Passwords do not match 4. Age, you need to be 13 to be able to legitimately play. 5. You might have typed the robot-identifying wrong.

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Password Revealer is a program that will show you many passwords that are typed into a password utility box. This program will never work with Windows User Manager or any passwords in Internet Explorer.

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I think you may have typed the same thing twice... Because what you have typed is the same thing.

Can you find email passwords embedded in hard drive if typed in before?

It depends if the user is using an email account is located on the computer or if they are using a browser based email account like gmail or hotmail. The passwords to the browser based email account would not be found on the computer unless the user decided to choose the option of remembering the user names and passwords when they were entering them in otherwise they would not be stored. Sometimes people use key logging software or hardware to monitor all the key strokes that a person has typed in. They then search through what the person has typed after they have finished using the computer then search for passwords or sensative information. That's why it is not a safe practice to log into any online banking, etc on a public computer because you may never know who has installed key logging software.

Why the system ask new password twice?

Why does the system ask for the new password to be entered twice? If you intend to type your new password as: chocolate but accidentally write chooclate by mistake, then when you try to log on next time and type 'chocolate' just like you meant to the first time, it won't let you in and you won't know why. This has become even more important now that you often don't see your password as you type it in. eg: chocolate looks like ********* instead so you don't see you typed it wrong. When you press OK, the computer checks that both new passwords are the same. If they are not, you have typed a mistake and it warns you.

What is the meaning of the word keyloggers?

A keylogger is a program that will log all keys pushed on a computer. A keylogger logs all sites that are typed in as well as all passwords, and searches entered.

How many 5-digit passwords can be made from the seven letters ABCDEFG if any letter occurs at most twice?

2993 of them.

Is it Illegal to hack wifi passwords?

Yes, it is illegal to hack into someone else's wifi network without their permission. Unauthorized access to a computer network, including wifi networks, is a violation of various laws related to unauthorized access to computer systems and networks. It can result in criminal charges and legal consequences.

Can you get Roxy on moshi monsters twice?

No u cant get Roxy twice. Once u have typed in the code once u can't do it again. If u delete Roxy, then u will never be able to get her again!

What statements are correct about passwords?

Passwords should be unique for each account to minimize the risk of a data breach. They should be long and complex to make them harder to guess. Regularly updating passwords can help mitigate the chances of unauthorized access. It is also important to keep passwords secure and avoid sharing them with others.

On poptropica you typed your username and password but it says account locked?

For some reason, your user name is causing a problem. It may be due to excessive changes in passwords, or a violation of the terms of use may have occurred.