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Q: Why are peasants higher up than merchants on the feudal Japan social pyramid?
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How were the peasants ranked during the tang and song dynasties?

higher than merchants

What is the medieval social pyramid?

The idea of the social pyramid is an explanation of social rank. Basically, the king was at the top, alone. The nobility were below the king. Below the nobility were serfs. Somewhat apart from this were the various religious people, with the Pope at the top, the bishops below, and the priests, monks, and nuns below them. The precise structure varies according to who is describing it.

What was the class structur for ancient china?

There was no real sturcture but the farmers were of a higher rank than the merchants and the officials are the highest after the emperor.

Why did Buddhism appeal to merchants rather than peasants?

the idea that all created things must pass

What were the burdens of the peasants in the French Revolution?

Peasants suffered under the burden of higher taxes during the French Revolution. Peasants suffered social, economic,and political inequalities. Peasants suffered from out-of-date feudal dues that were being collected with renewed vigor, leading up to the Revolution.

Why were artisans and merchants considered to be lower in social rank then peasants in shang society?

Peasants are engaged in farming, they raise food, and everyone depends upon food, to a much higher degree than they depend on other products that are either made by artisans or sold by merchants, especially in an overpopulated society where the demand for food always tends to exceed the supply.

Are artisans or merchants higher in the society?


Which is the lowest class of Chinese feudalism?

The lowest class in Chinese feudalism was the peasants. They worked the land and paid taxes to the nobles and landowners in exchange for protection and the right to live on the land. Peasants had little social mobility and were at the bottom of the feudal hierarchy.

What was the reward of each class of the feudal system?

Each person in the Feudal System received land from a person higher than themselves.

Why does the pyramid get narrower as it gets higher?

Because otherwise, it wouldn't be called a "pyramid".

Why are there fewer organisms higher on the energy pyramid?

The higher you are on the pyramid the less energy you get, so it takes a lot of stamina and endurance to be at the top.

What were the duties of a Japanese peasant?

They were just under the Samurai in the feudal pyramid. There were many of them, but they had few rights. The peasants only wore simple clothes, and were not allowed to wear silk, so they wore cotton Kimonos, loin cloths and straw sandals. The government taxed most of the peasants into poverty.