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The "Book of Mormon" is not The Bible, and many Christians are opposed to the Book of Mormon being placed beside or ahead of the Bible. One of the "solas" of the Reformation is "Scripture Alone." The Reformation's teaching is that the scripture stands by itself as the only rule we have for faith and practice. The objection is the Book of Mormon being elevated to the status that belongs only to the Bible.

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Q: Why are people against Mormons but for the Bible?
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Did Mormons kill people from Arkansas?

Uhm...dude, where did you ever get that idea?!?! The Mormons would never kill...people shouldn't spread crap like that :( Everybody was against Mormons

What are the bad things that they say about Mormons?

Many things that people say against Mormons simply come from someone who is uninformed or has a different opinion. This does not mean that it is bad, but it is often offensive. Those who are uninformed or misinformed often say: -Mormons are polygamist (this practice was banned by the church over 120 years ago in 1890) -Mormons dont believe in the Bible (Mormons consider the King James Version of the Bible as sacred scripture and are encouraged to study it daily) -Mormons don't believe in Jesus (Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior, just like all Christians) -Mormons are cultish (Mormons live and dress and act just like most anyone else in society. They do not live on compunds, etc.) -Mormons worship Joseph Smith (Mormons believe Joseph Smith was a prophet, just like Moses or Abraham, not a god to be worshipped) -Mormons kidnap, brainwash, coerce, etc (Mormons wish everyone to make their own decisions, and define their standards by Scripture) Those who have different opinions and say things that are offensive to Mormons often say: -Mormons are not Christian (Mormons are not traditional Protestant Christians, but they do still believe in the Bible and salvation through Jesus Christ.) -Mormons are lying (Mormons honestly believe they are telling the truth) -Mormonism is a pyramid scheme (Mormons believe in paying a Tithe and in missions work to gain converts, but believe this is Biblically based and do not seek converts for monetary gain) -Mormons are unbiblical (Mormons believe that they are following the Bible very strictly, but the Bible can be interpreted differently by different people) -Mormonism is false (this is obviously just an opinion, but one that is often offensive to those who honestly believe)

Why don't Mormons like animals?

Mormons do not have anything against animals.

Why are gay people against the Bible?

Gays are not against the Bible. When the Bible is used against people in the ways that are hurtful and discriminate they would disagree with someone doing that ( the bible was used as a reason for slavery), but there are many members of the clergy who are gay and who head churches.

Why were the people persecuting the mormens?

People are naturally hostile against those who appear 'different' from themselves. Mormons are persecuted by people who believe that they are too different to be accepted into society. Historically, the worst persecution was in the 1830's and 1840's, when Mormons were forced from their homes four times - in New York, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois. Often this was because the local residents were afraid that Mormons would become the majority and sway local politics. Also many people did not like that Mormonism was not a traditional Christian religion. Today, persecution against Mormons is mostly done by those who misunderstand the teachings of the church or by those who disagree with the conservative standards of Mormons.

What has The Bible?

The Bible has the history of the Hebrew people, the warnings of the prophets, the prophecies of the bible and in the new testament the teaching of Jesus.

Does the wrath of God prove Gods anger with Mormons as a sign to the world?

Do you have any evidence of the wrath of God being against Mormons in particular? Nothing has occurred that seems to be specifically targeted against Mormonism, which would lead me to believe that the wrath of God is not against the Mormons, therefore proving that He is not angry with them.

What belief was responsible for discrimination against Mormons?

Mormons have been discriminated against for various reasons over the years. Most of this discrimination has been based on misunderstanding. Also, people generally are distrustful of things that are unfamiliar or different, and many find Mormonism to fit in the 'unfamiliar and different' category. As for specific beliefs, Mormons today are often considered to be non-Christian by mainstream Christian churches because they do not believe in the traditional Trinity and because they use scripture in addition to the Bible. People also disagree with their belief in salvation for the dead, eternal marriages, modern prophets, and revelation. These are all things that make them different from mainstream Christian churches.

Are Mormons against metaphysics?

The doctrines and teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) do not correlate with those of metaphysics. That is, you could not honestly believe in both metaphysics and Mormonism. That being said, Mormons are not 'against' metaphysics. It is a fundamental belief of Mormons that all people should have the freedom to believe and worship as they choose. Mormons recognize metaphysics as a legitimate belief system, just one which they don't personally believe in. Mormons are welcome to study and learn about metaphysics if it interests them.

Why do mormons consider 'once saved always saved' to be corrupt doctrine when it is supported many times throughout the Bible by the Apostle Paul and others?

Maybe because the Bible is the truth, and Mormonism is a cult.... I'd go with what the Bible says, not what a group of people believe.

How was John Wycliffe a reformer?

he taught people what the bible really said and translated the bible and generally protested against the church.

What beliefs did the Mormons have that threatened the people in Illinois?

One belief that threatened the people in Illinois was the Mormon practice of polygamy, which was seen as immoral and a threat to the institution of marriage. Additionally, Mormons believed in the concept of theocratic rule and desired to establish their own government, which made local non-Mormon residents fear a loss of power and control. Economic competition was also a concern, as the Mormons established successful businesses and were seen as an economic threat to the existing population.