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For the simple reason they perform medical abortions. The shame is that there is not enough clinics in the US and the majority of all their work contains of Birth Control, help for pregnant women and cancer screenings for men and women. Abortions is just about 3-4% of everything they do and not even all clinics do it and it is legal. if there were no PPL all the patients would have to go to other clinics and the hospitals and the lines would be longer then ever and many would get care too late. With cancer it's crucial to find it early to have the best outcome.

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13y ago

Because they believe it's the woman's right and choice to decide over her own body and not for the government or church to do. Religion plays a huge part in the pro-life movement but not all are religious and should not be forced to live by those rules. There's many that are against the methods some pro-life people use like harassing patients outside of health clinics, lying to get girls and women into their clinic by telling them they have abortion counseling when in fact they don't and just want to make them change their minds. Many, and by that I mean too many, also provide false medical facts when teaching or providing information about abortion in schools, sites online and clinics. Lying to women and girl when they are about to make one of the hardest decisions in their life leaves a foul taste and makes it impossible to take them seriously. What GOP tried, and still are trying, to do to Planned Parenthood and put women's health in danger just because they are against abortion doesn't exactly help the people who are pro-life and are good people who makes sense and don't try to force others to do what is right for them.

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They don't. Killing a born human would be murder.

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Some fight them because some of their clinics perform medical abortions and others because they believed the lies some politicians made up about them using tax payers money for abortions.

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