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Q: Why are people aware of bullying?
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Related questions

Is bullying a contemporary issue?

Bullying is a contemporary issue. However, bullying is not just a contemporary issue. It is actually a very old problem. But what is different is that more people are aware of bullying now, and we now have electronic bullying which can increase the impact of bullying.

Is humiliation a type of bullying?

Yes, to humiliate a person without provocation is certainly bullying. The bully is well aware of what they are doing and tries to breakdown the confidence of their victim.

What type of bullying is it called when you are bullying gay people?

It is called homophobic bullying or homophobia.

What is peer bullying?

It is bullying by people in the same age group as you. It is basically the type of bullying that we have all come to know as just 'bullying'

What are the main types of bullying?

Cyber bullying verbal bullying physical bullying or verbal physical and gang bullying gang bullying is a group bullying a single person all together therefore gang (grouped up) bullying hurts and scars even more

Are people addicted to bullying?

some people cant help bullying after they have done it for so long =]

How many people have been affecteed by bullying in schools?

alot of people is getting hurt from bullying

Who researches bullying?

People who researches bullying do it for the information they do not have a name for what it is for example I research bullying but i do it for the information to educate others

What is criminal bullying?

when someone steals something or destroys and hides your property to make you scared or be aware of what they are going to do to you

Does johnny test like sissy?

In the show "Johnny Test," Johnny seems to have mixed feelings about Sissy. While he may not always show it, there are moments that suggest he does care about her as a friend at least.

Who causes bullying?


What if bullying is really good?

If bullying is good more people will do it, but bullying hearts peoples feelings and maybe end there lives.