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  • Not all people are judgmental about other people's lifestyles. Those who are have a very strict way of what they believe in and how their lives should be lead, but not wise enough to realize that is their life and not meant for every person's lifestyle. People who take the time to make a statement about someone's lifestyle needs to keep themselves a lot more busier than they are. Some people who may disagree with a person's lifestyle cannot understand why they would choose to live that way and never take the time to know that person and find out why that person is leading perhaps a lower lifestyle. Example: Many people look down on prostitutes because they simply hear about their lifestyles or they see them standing on corners or doorways waiting for their next client. Some people consider this a low class of living without gaining the knowledge of why each prostitute is stuck out on the street; generally ruled by a pimp and endangering her own life. It is knowledge that makes us understand another person of what society deems as a lower class citizen and it's wrong! Some wealthy people can be very nice to middle or lower class people, but many feel they are beyond others and stick with their own kind. It is not right, but that is the way life is. Smart people are inquisitive about people's lifestyles and although they may disapprove or know they could never live that lifestyle they have no right to tell another unless that person asks for help. In every realm of society whether poor, middle class or wealthy all individuals are criticized once in awhile for their lifestyle. You simply roll with the punches; know you are a good person and not harming others and continue on with your lifestyle.
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Q: Why are people so judgemental about other people and the way they live their life-styles?
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