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A desert is not good for a polar bear because it can't help it live. For example polar bears eat fish and other animals so if they lived in the desert it would be most likely that they wouldn't be able to find food and soon enough they would be extinct. Hope I helped :)

ANS2:That question presumes that polar bears don't do just fine in a desert...The frozen wastelands of the north are a form of desert because they have little liquid precipitation and plant life is scarce. Polar bears aren't found in any large numbers in other habitats.
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12y ago

Polar bears are struggling to survive in the desert because their fur is very thick. They can become too hot and die. Also, the desert is not their original habitat so they are not used to it. You would be strugging to survive if you were in the desert like the polar bears.

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Q: Why are polar bears struggling to survive in the desert?
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Why are polar bears struggling to survive in the Nevada Desert?

Polar Bears inhabit Arctic areas and do not live naturally in Nevada.

Are polar bears able to live in the desert?

No, polar bears are adapted to living in the northern polar region, the Arctic, where they spend much of their time hunting seals on the sea ice. They might survive in Antarctic Desert but they are not native to that continent.

Why are polar bears struggling to survive?

Actually, the polar bear's numbers are higher today than in recent memory, with a population of around 25000.

Where would polar bear not survive?

Any geographical location in which the climate is not suitable for polar bears (i.e. desert). However, one exception to this is zoos- polar bears can be at zoos where their climate and habitat are artificially created and sustained for them.

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Polar bears do not live in the desert. They live in the Arctic.

Polar Bears do not live in Alberta Discuss which 2 basic needs of a polar bear cannot be met in Alberta?

I'm not sure, but I think Alberta isn't cold enough for the polar bears. Also, there might not be enough ice caps in Alberta for the polar bears to live off of. People talk about how the polar bears are struggling to survive because global warming is melting all their ice caps. Many times, if there aren't enough ice caps, the bears can't find food or survive.

How do polar bears survive in the desert?

Actually, the area that the polar bear lives is a borderline desert due to the low humidity and low precipitation. It is considered a cold desert and the polar bear has adapted to the cold and harsh conditions found there.

Can polar bears survive in a desert?

Yes, it would survive in a desert. As some people would say a desert is a hot, inhospitable place to be, but a desert is a place with nothing in it, so that means that the arctic and Antarctica is a desert.

Are polar bears in the desert?

no they coulden't, it's not there nrmal place were they live.

How will polar bears survive in the mountains?

They won't. They need to live and survive in the Arctic, not the mountains. Polar bears don't live in the mountains anyway.

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No because it is hot in Hawaii. Polar Bears only live in the Polar Regions of the

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