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Q: Why are prejudice and discriminatory behaviors unethical?
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What are the 3 components of racial prejudice?

The three components of racial prejudice are cognitive (stereotypes and beliefs about a racial group), affective (emotions and feelings towards a racial group), and behavioral (discriminatory actions or behaviors towards a racial group).

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Often leads to discriminatory behavior?

Prejudice :D

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What are the levels of prejudice?

Prejudice can manifest at various levels, including individual (personal beliefs and attitudes), interpersonal (discriminatory behaviors towards others), institutional (discrimination embedded in policies and practices of organizations), and systemic (societal norms and structures that perpetuate prejudice). These levels interact and reinforce each other to uphold discriminatory practices in society.

What is social equal opportunity prejudice?

Social equal opportunity prejudice refers to discriminatory attitudes or behaviors that occur based on the perception that everyone is treated equally, and therefore any disadvantages faced by certain groups are seen as a result of their own lack of effort or ability. This form of prejudice dismisses the impact of systemic inequalities and hinders efforts to address and rectify social injustices.

What can prejudice and discrimination lead to?

It can lead into racism a bad behaviors -ME

Can unethical and or illegal behaviors by employees now result in significant fines and loss?


What are some learned behaviors of people?

Speech. Prejudice. Walking upright.

Does prejudice lead to violence?

Prejudice can contribute to violence by fueling negative attitudes and stereotypes that can lead individuals or groups to act in discriminatory or harmful ways towards others. However, not all acts of violence are directly caused by prejudice, as there can be multiple factors at play.

What are 3 sources of prejudice?

Stereotypes: Prejudice can stem from generalizations or oversimplified beliefs about a particular group of people. Socialization: Prejudice can be learned through upbringing, cultural norms, media influences, and social interactions. Institutional practices: Prejudice can be perpetuated through discriminatory policies, unequal access to resources, and power dynamics within society.