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priests help us celebrate the 7 sacraments and are part of the hierarchy or basic structure of the Church

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Q: Why are priests necessary for the mission of the catolic church?
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Why are Sisters necessary for the mission of the Catholic Church?

Without any priests, brothers, or nuns the word of God, and the teachings of Christ for Catholics would not exist. For it is Priests alone who can administer Holy Communion the center of Catholic faith. There would also be no people solely dedicated to living for God, and preaching the word of God which is part of the mission of the Catholic Church. Also without priests there would be no Catholic Church, with brothers and sisters becoming more so the missionary's for God whereas priests mostly remain in a parish.

Are there women priests in the Russian orthodox church?

The Russian Orthodox Church does not ordain priests.

Are village priests sons of higher-level priests?

In the Catholic Church, priests are celibate, therefore this question does not apply to the Catholic Church.

What are priests today?

Priests will be priests: belong to the clergy, ministers of a Christian Church.

Which was a disagreement between catholic church and orthdox church?

Orthodox priests could marry, Catholic priests could not.

What religion was practiced at missions Who lived in the missions?

The Catholic Church built the missions and still hold services today at missions. The priests lived there with mission Native Americans and 5-6 soldiers stationed at each mission.

Who were the leaders of the san gabriel mission?

The missions were run by the Catholic Church and the priests assigned to the mission. Even today the missions are still churches and have a priest. Services are conducted, weddings performed, funeral services performed, and celebrations held.

Did the Tudors worship God?

Yes, the Tudors were known for their strong devotion to the Christian faith, particularly the Church of England. They promoted and enforced Protestantism during their reign, although there were periods of religious turmoil and persecution. King Henry VIII famously broke away from the Catholic Church and established the Church of England, which had a significant impact on religious practices during the Tudor era.

Who were the first priests and bishops?

The apostles were the first priests and bishops of the Catholic Church.

When did the Catholic Church start having female priests and bishops?

The Catholic Church has never had female priests nor bishops, and will never have them.

Did a colonial Catholic priests in Maryland live in the Church?

Priests, as they do today, would have lived in a separate dwelling called a rectory, not in the church.

Why are only men allowed to be priests?

In the Roman Catholic Church, the male priest represents God.Female priests are permitted in the Episcopal Church.